This year UW Engineering attracted a new dean—Michael B. Bragg, a professor of aeronautics and astronautics—and an additional nineteen outstanding new faculty members. We are excited to have these distinguished professors join our community of innovators.
- Dwayne Arola »
Department: Materials Science & Engineering
Research focus: The mechanical behavior of engineering materials to better understand their performance and durability
- Nicholas Boechler »
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Research focus: Macro- and nano- scale structures and their effect on sound wave transmission
Department: Computer Science & Engineering
Research focus: Developing sophisticated robots that can learn and perform personal tasks
Department: Chemical Engineering
Research focus: Novel biomaterials that self-adapt to their environment to create functional human tissue
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Research focus: The mechanics and thermodynamics of novel materials, including liquid crystals, surfactant solutions, nematic elastomers, hydrogels, biomembranes, and nanocrystalline alloys
Department: Computer Science & Engineering
Research focus: Efficient algorithms for complex and difficult problems, such as the classic theoretical computer science "Traveling Salesman" problem
Department: Human Centered Design & Engineering
Research focus: Prosocial computing and human motivation in the development of technologies that benefit individual users and society at large
Department: Civil & Environmental Engineering
Research focus: Sustainability of heavy civil infrastructure in developing countries at the intersection of technology, innovation and social networks
Department: Civil & Environmental Engineering
Research focus: Reducing energy consumption of buildings with emerging materials, tools, approaches, and technologies
Department: Industrial & Systems Engineering
Research focus: New medical technologies and health interventions to achieve better health systems and provide more efficient health services
Department: Civil & Environmental Engineering
Research focus: Transportation sustainability, especially fuel regulation and technology to improve vehicle efficiency for plug-in electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles
Departments: Electrical Engineering, Physics
Research focus: Nanophotonic devices, nanometallics, quantum optoelectronics, and photonics in information processing
Department: Aeronautics & Astronautics
Research focus: Control systems for manned and unmanned aerospace systems, transportation, and energy-efficient infrastructure
Departments: Electrical Engineering, Computer Sci. & Engineering
Research focus: Ultra-low power sensing and computation, radio frequency identification (RFID), wireless power transfer, and smart materials and surfaces
Department: Human Centered Design & Engineering
Research focus: The relationship between sociocultural practices and engineering
Department: Electrical Engineering
Research focus: Low-energy circuit design with an emphasis on resonant-clocked digital design
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Research focus: Modeling muscular systems in areas such as biomedical computation, muscle physiology and device design
Department: Computer Science & Engineering
Research focus: Improving software reliability through new tools and improvements to existing technologies that correct program errors and protect against security risks
Department: Aeronautics & Astronautics
Research focus: Advanced structures and sensing systems for aerospace, mechanical, and biomedical applications