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3D Printed Tool Manufacturing Process Investigation for Liquid Composite Molding Processes

Hexcel R&T is interested in prototype tooling options to minimize cost and allow faster project development of more unique and complex geometries to support the performance evaluation of new carbon reinforcements and materials. This student team worked to determine the best performing and lowest cost option for direct prototype tooling for composite manufacturing/ resin infusion processes. This student team sought to examine 3d printed materials as the base tool structure, design their own tools, print prototype tools, and examine surface gel coats with any necessary finishing work for the tools to provide good vacuum integrity, and surface aspect for infused parts. The tools should target a service temperature of 300F. Students also had the opportunity to work to evaluate their tools by creating parts with the example tool, via resin infusion, at the Hexcel Kent R&T lab with carbon and other materials. Deliverables this student team worked towards included: 1. An example tool, printed of the preferred material combination (3d printed material + gel surface coat) and tool manufacturing process to utilize when designing parts and tool geometry for carbon reinforcement performance evaluations. 2. Report of 1 that also includes a comparison to traditional aluminum machining, cost, geometry, processing, ergonomics (weight), and rate.

Faculty Adviser

Luna Yue Huang, Materials Science & Engineering

Ben Rutz, Chemical Engineering


Alexander Massie
Catherine Do
Johnny McKinley
Wyatt Markgraf