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Platform Architecture Optimization Using Insights from Analysis of User and Processor Data

This student team worked to study the trend of web-based apps and its impact on client resource utilization based on DCA classification of web-usage categories. This included detailed Analysis of web-based Computing Trends: In-browser, Progressive Web Apps (PWA), and Electron-based. As web technologies evolve and computations migrate more freely between the cloud & client, this student team worked to study: - Growth over time of web categories (DCA already has the browser usage data) - Client resource utilization and change over time - Client system execution characteristics over time (e.g., context switch rate) - Computational demands over time - Are apps becoming more or less demanding of the client? - What aspects of computations are changing most?

Faculty Adviser

Payman Arabshahi, Associate Professor, UW ECE, Electrical & Computer Engineering


Aishwarya Venkatesh
Aneesh Karpoor
Dongyu Wei
Justin-Pierre Tremblay
Logan Yanxiao Sun
Pinyi Wang
Po-Chin Ho