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Johnson & Johnson

Using Cloud Connectivity to Automate Robotic Surgery Case Preparation

Assume a central database knows the procedure schedule, the operating surgeon, the patient, their health information, and more. How can this data be used to automate tasks, provide relevant information, and help the surgeon prepare for a robotically assisted case?! This student team worked to identify pain points within a surgeon’s journey. After identifying pain points, students were to design a multi-touchpoint experience that utilizes case, surgeon, and patient data to improve the pre-op experience. The primary user in this project is the surgeon. However, other stakeholders may include patients, circulating nurses, sterile assists, scrub techs, and other OR staff. This student team worked to accomplish the following outcomes: - Research documentation with summarized outcomes - Journey map with identified pain points - High-Fidelity prototypes - Video/Multimedia assets (where applicable) - Process documentation (including sketches, wireframes, etc.) - Presentation (including what next steps might be)

Faculty Adviser

Jennifer Turns, Human Centered Design & Engineering


Aishwarya Chandrakant Naik
Aishwarya Katrina Ma
Claudia Pang
Don Lee
Jennifer Rodriguez
Namrata Panchumarti
Petrina Chan
Soo Hwang