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Industry & alumni

Seattle City Light

Design a Building Electrification Demonstration Vehicle

Based on project concept input from Seattle City Light, this student team worked to create detailed design drawings and engineering for a mobile building electrification demonstration vehicle. (The scope did not include engineering of the vehicle itself, just the demonstrations on it and modifications to accommodate the demonstrations.) This student team also worked to develop a user dashboard to display system(s) data as well as interpretative text and graphics for users. The student team aimed to show technology applications that could be used in buildings, not in motor coaches, or motor homes. Anticipated outcomes this student team worked toward included: - A set of detailed drawings and images that could be turned over to a contractor to begin fabrication of this vehicle demonstration. These would include real world products such as: the heat pumps, micro-grid, battery storage, water storage, plumbing, electrical, a controls dashboard, and a vehicle that could be modified to house all of this working equipment. - Cost estimates should be provided for each component as well as a general installation costs for the entire vehicle. - A short presentation to a select group at Seattle City Light. - Graphics and text for the displays would be a bonus.

Faculty Adviser

Payman Arabshahi, Associate Professor, UW ECE, Electrical & Computer Engineering


Naveen Ravishankar