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Lockheed Martin

JetRacer Soccer with Advanced Sensor Suite

This student team will work to build upon the as-built hardware and software developments from the previous two years to demonstrate autonomous vehicles playing a game of soccer. The capabilities will be developed in phases, starting with the student team working with basic image recognition to strike a soccer ball using the RC car and visual imaging. Following that, the student team will work to develop advancements to the programming to drive the ball towards the net and score a goal in ideal conditions. Once goals can be scored, the student team will work to select and integrate additional sensors (optical, audio, or ranging sensors) to provide greater situational awareness in improve soccer playing capabilities. The final objective the student team will work towards is to have multiple RC cars play against each other and against a human. For this project, the student team will work to design, develop, deploy, and iteratively improve upon the autonomous vehicle which will: (1) Strike a defined ball in a controlled trajectory (2) Score a defined ball into a defined goal (3) Integrate additional sensors for greater situational awareness and abilities (4) Work collaboratively with teammate cars, or competitively against opponent cars to score goas (5) Stretch: integrate external referee sensors to determine when goals are scored, rules violated, etc. The deliverables of the project the student team will work to accomplish include: (1) An autonomous RC car with operational sensors and software (2) An open source sensor suite to assist in the autonomous playing of soccer (3) Control software experience and minor simulation software and data acquired through the project (4) Summary poster or powerpoint detailing the results, challenges, and lessons learned of the project (5) Video of the JetRacer playing soccer

Faculty Adviser

John Raiti, Assistant Teaching Professor and Technical Programs Advisor (Global Innovation Exchange), Electrical & Computer Engineering


Arjun Simha
Casey Rittenhouse
Cooper Ritter
Jarod Marshel
Julie Ham
K Gupta
Mason Kang