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Industry & alumni

Snohomish County

Enterprise Scanning Center Workflow Analysis

The county has an Enterprise Scanning Center within the Department of Information Technology. The scanning center provides scanning and imaging services to over 28 departments in the County with over 3,800 employees. The team consists of 8 imaging technicians and project coordinators as well as 1 supervisor. In 2022, the scanning center processed over 1,665,000 images. Several departments have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in external imaging services from outside vendors in order to complete large projects that the Enterprise Scanning Center could not accommodate. In order to better serve the departments in the county, this student team will work with IT to conduct an analysis of current scanning center operations with the goal of increasing the output without negatively impacting quality control. This student team will work to: -Assess the maturity of Enterprise Scanning Center processes. This includes evaluation of employee processes and document conversion processes. - Analyze outputs by types of files. - Collect and evaluate improvements of inputs/outputs, employee and customer satisfaction, and efficiency gains (time, materials, hardware/software costs, etc.) - Analyze processes including: - Physical movement - Document preparation - Scanning hardware/software - QC (quality control) processes (e.g. page-by-page vs at-a-glance) This student team will work to identify and eliminate sources of waste in workflow processes. This student team will also work to understand software/hardware needs, and identify opportunities for software/hardware upgrades. This student team will work to increase volume of image processing near, or equal to, industry standards. Finally, this student team will work to create a system for routine periodic review of systems, processes, and technologies.

Faculty Adviser

Patty Buchanan, Associate Teaching Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering


Carson Wang
Faliha Naaz Amjad
Jyunghyun Noh
Peter Albrecht