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Validation of Methods for Analyzing Synthetic Fuels

In 2022 - 2023, a capstone project was conducted called "Methods of Analyzing Synthetic Fuels on Board for Data Collection and Indication" led by Dr. Ben Rutz. The team identified several avenues for measuring density, height, and hydrocarbon composition; however, due to time constraints they were not able to test, validate or build upon the initial proposals. The 2023-24 student team (this year's team) will work to assess and improve upon the proposals generated by the previous team, then build and execute a system to test and validate these methods in both ground and altitude simulated environments. This student team could potentially re-use and improve upon the equipment procured during the project year 2022 - 2023. This student team will work within the following project perimeters: 1. The tolerance of all properties shall be +/- 1% 2. Capacitance and speed-of-sound methods to measure properties should not be considered as part of this study. 3. Assume no fuel additives are present per the ASTM D7566 & ASTM D1655 standards. It is ok to propose adding additives if this is supports your method of measurement and analysis. 4. Minimal weight and minimal-to-no electricity in the tank are important design and safety parameters. 5. GCxGC should not be considered as a method for measuring hydrocarbon distribution This student team will work to achieve a working system that tests and validates the proposed methods for analyzing synthetic fuels to measure: Density and Fuel Height with a stretch goal of identifying and validating a new method to determine the hydrocarbon distribution. This student will work to complete a report that identifies areas to consider to adapt this system or method for commercial economical use.

Faculty Adviser

Ben Rutz, John C. Berg Endowed Assistant Teaching Professor in Interfacial and Colloid Science, Chemical Engineering


Amy Dao
Grace Griend
Kamala Katta
Minh Do
Nicholas Izutsu
Wenyu Yang