Mechanical Behaviour of Material Cycled on Different Temperature
This student team sought to assess the effect of temperature cycling on Crystallinity degree and mechanical properties of a thermoplastic composite structure. This project took place in phases: Phase I: The student team worked to manufacture panels in press consolidation, aiming to ensure that all panels are manufactured with same cure cycle and process. Phase II: The student team attempted to check panels by carrying out non destructive control (visual and UT control) mechanical properties, DMA tests and DSC to assess degree of crystallinity. This was the baseline of the panels. Phase III: The student team then worked to extract DMA, DSC and Flexural specimen from panels. Care had to be taken for extraction to ensure no delamination or damages occur during extraction. The student team was then expected to put all extracted specimens into a furnace to perform cycling as follows: --> 24h at Temperature then 24h at room temperature. For week end, specimen will be kept at temperature 4 temperatures are considered - 150°C - 180°C - 200°C - 390°C Cycling was to last the time of the project from January to May. Once the student team worked to define a frequency, some specimens were to be picked up from furnace and tested in DSC, DMA and mechanically. The student team set out to create a report that describes the impact of different cycling on the material properties.
Faculty Adviser
Luna Yue Huang,
Materials Science & Engineering
Allayna Gross
Hyunseo Kim
Owen Gadd
Zane Johnston
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