Sagetech Avionics
Bluetooth Converter Module with Integrated GPS
Sagetech Avionics designs micro transponders and collision avoidance systems for use in primarily UAS but are also relevant to crewed aircraft. Their products provide data out via RS232 using a custom protocol. In order to interface with applications that will display their data, this student team worked to design equipment that will convert the display data to GDL-90 protocol and send it via bluetooth to a IOS and Android application. Sagetech provided most of the hardware design that students will work to tweak and send out to Fab. Most of the work was to be software. This student team worked to develop the following application features: Powered by 5V Converts 232 ADS-B in report data to GDL-90 to be displayed on Foreflight Custom Sagetech Application to program Sagetech devices IOS and Android Applications Provides GPS data out Anticipated outcomes of this project included: FPS - Functional Product Spec SRS - System Requirement Spec Requirements Trace matrix that allocates high level (SRS) requirements to specific low level functions (HW, SW, Mechanical) Low level requirements docs Test plans to cover all requirements documents Prototype hardware that can be used on multiple UAS to be tracked on a common display application on a smart phone/tablet.
Faculty Adviser
Payman Arabshahi,
Associate Professor, UW ECE,
Electrical & Computer Engineering
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