logo, UW Women's Initiative how to create a Women's Initiative

What is a WI?

How to Use This Site




Faculty Advisor

This will be usually the faculty member in charge of obtaining funding and overseeing the program.


The coordinator will be the person in charge of running the program. The Coordinator and the Faculty Advisor will divide responsibility for the tasks needed to create and maintain the program. This person is usually an undergraduate and this position can fulfill a work-study program.

MIT suggests

The MIT women divide the tasks among several coordinator positions. They will have a SWAG coordinator, a Scheduling coordinator, webmaster, treasurer, etc. You may find that format fits your program better!


The presenters are the engineering women students who are participating in the program. At the UW, we have had 10-12 presenters on our roster each year.

School/Program Representatives

The school or program representatives are the contacts that coordinate with the women's initiative to bring our presentations to their girls. These people may be teachers, school counselors, career specialists, Girl Scout troop leaders, or people that run in-school or after school math and science programs.


In the context of this website, when we refer to girls we are referring to the young women we visit.


A visit is an official presentation and activity delivered by the Women's Initiative.


When we refer to "internal" affairs we are referencing tasks involved in running the program within the University. An example of an internal task would be running a monthly meeting with the faculty advisor, coordinator, and the presenters.


"External" activities are ones that involve the Women's Initiative and the community. An example of this would be having the coordinator and faculty advisor attend a public school's science department meeting to advertise visits from the program.

Fall, Winter, Spring

The UW is on a quarter schedule, so when we mention a quarter, the associated months are:
Fall: September-December
Winter: January-March
Spring: April-June



SWAG refers to the little freebees and giveaways that companies put their logo on. We use them as rewards during the visits. They are usually key chains, highlighters, pens, LEDs, etc.


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© Copyright 2008 University of Washington, College of Engineering