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About us

Today’s challenges require innovative thinking and collaborative approaches that bridge engineering disciplines with science, law, public policy and business.

Together with world-class partners, the University of Washington’s College of Engineering is developing a new generation of innovators. A national leader in educating engineers, each year the College turns out new discoveries, inventions and top-flight graduates, all contributing to the strength of our economy and the vitality of our community.

UW Engineering is ranked 25th among all engineering schools and 18th among engineering schools at public universities.

Student demographics

The College works to ensure that students from all backgrounds succeed from their first days on campus to their post-college careers.

Student enrollment and degrees awarded
Undergraduate enrollment5,611
Undergraduate degrees awarded1,428
Master's program enrollment1,776
Master's degrees awarded873
Doctor of Philosophy program enrollment1,147
Doctor of Philosophy degrees awarded182

Data reported Autumn 2022.

Diversity of Degree RecipientsB.S.M.S.Ph.D.
Underrepresented Minorities*10%13%9%
Asian Americans49%29%21%
Foreign Nationals17%49%47%
Washington Residents72%46%12%
* Underrepresented minorities include African American, American Indian/Native American, Hispanic, and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander. The percentage shown is a percentage of total domestic (non-international) students.

Want more data?

The College utilizes a Direct to College admission model where first-year undergraduate students are admitted as Engineering Undeclared (ENGRUD) students and request placement to engineering majors. See results of placement cycles by ENGRUD cohort.

UW staff and faculty can access academic data on enrollment, student credit hours, degrees, and student progress on UW Profiles, a service provided by the Office of Planning and Budgeting (UW NetID required).


289 faculty (26.3% women, #1 among the top 50 engineering schools)


  • 135 NSF Young Investigator/Early Career Awards since 1984
  • 43 Sloan Foundation Research Awards
  • 3 MacArthur Foundation Fellows

Related   Faculty Honors

Engineering innovation

Engineers drive the innovation economy and are vital to solving society’s most challenging problems. The College of Engineering, #1 source of all UW start-ups, is a key part of a world-class research university in a thriving hub of aerospace, biotechnology, global health and information technology innovation.

Commitment to diversity and access

The College of Engineering is committed to developing and supporting a diverse student body and faculty that reflect and elevate the populations we serve. We offer a robust set of diversity programs for students and faculty. The College is a national leader in women in engineering; 26.3% of our faculty are women compared to 18% nationally.

Economic impact in Washington state

Investment in engineering degrees and research is directly linked to overall economic health. For every dollar of state appropriation invested in the College, $6 is generated in the economy.

Financing UW Engineering

Sources of funds 2022

Pie chart that shows financing engineering. Tuition 13%, Investment incom 2%, auxiliary 6%, State appropriations 8%, Research cost recovery 6%, grants and contracts 50%, gifts and dicretionary 16%

Tuition 13%
Investment income 2%
Auxiliary 6%
State appropriations 8%
Research cost recovery 6%
Grants and contracts 50%
Gifts and dicretionary 16%