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Newly admitted Huskies

Welcome! We look forward to answering your advising questions at your summer Advising & Orientation (A&O) session. Due to limited capacity, advising appointments for incoming ENGRUDs are unavailable until after you attend A&O.

Undergraduate advising

Creating opportunities for engineering exploration, fostering intentional community and empowering students to maximize their university experience

Who can meet with our advisers?

If you are a: Your academic advising resource is:
Engineering undeclared (ENGRUD) studentSee below for appointment options.
Prospective Direct to College student UW Admissions
UW Engineering Ambassadors
Pre-major student UAA Advising or OMAD advising if you are affiliated.
Prospective transfer student Attend Transfer Thursday or schedule a time to connect with a department adviser.
Graduate student The graduate adviser in your department or the Graduate School.

Advising appointment options comparison

10-minute Quick Question session
Quick Question sessions are available to discuss:
30-minute appointment
Schedule a longer appointment to discuss:
  • Course registration
  • Adding or dropping a class in the first two weeks of the quarter
  • Co-curricular opportunities and ways to get involved
  • Transfer credit (refer to UW course equivalency guide first)
  • VA forms
  • Long-term educational planning
  • Academic or personal concerns
  • Placement into majors
  • Hold due to 105 or more credits + 5 quarters completed and no major
  • Dropping a course starting the 3rd week of the quarter or withdrawing from quarter
  • Changing grading of course to S/NS
  • Continuation policy concerns
  • Academic or personal concerns
  • ROTC 4-year planning form

Quick Question advising

Quick Question advising sessions take place in person in Loew Hall 014 or through Zoom and last 10 minutes.

ENGRUD students can view the current quarter Quick Question schedule for in-person and virtual times in MyENGRUD. Students are welcome to attend any Quick Question session with any available adviser as the goal is for students to be able to access assistance as soon as possible.

Longer advising appointments

Longer advising appointments take place in person in Loew 014 or through Zoom and last up to 30 minutes. Schedule an appointment with your assigned adviser (see who that is in your MyENGRUD) by utilizing their Microsoft Bookings link found in MyENGRUD.

We cannot accommodate same-day, longer advising appointments. Appointments can be scheduled up to two weeks in advance and must be scheduled at least 12 hours in advance. During busy times (like registration), appointments may be booked in which case we recommend that you visit us for a drop-in Quick Question appointment in person or through zoom.

If you can no longer make an appointment you've scheduled, please cancel the appointment so another student can meet with the adviser.

Late appointment policy

If you are more than 10 minutes late to your scheduled advising appointment, you will be asked to reschedule.

This policy serves as a reminder to be respectful of fellow students’ time. Advising appointments are in high demand and can be difficult to schedule. A "no-show" deprives other students of the opportunity to meet with their adviser and takes away from advisers' time to assist students.

Canceling appointments

Please e-mail or call us with at least 24 hours notice if you need to cancel an advising appointment or you can cancel your appointment via the link in the confirmation email you received.

How should I prepare for my appointment?

To make the most of your advising appointment, arrive on time and bring:

  • Your proposed schedule for next quarter (if you are looking for feedback on your academic plan)
  • A way to take notes
  • The list of questions or concerns you want to address

Transfer Thursday sessions

On Thursdays, the UW holds advising sessions for prospective and incoming transfer students. Some specific engineering departments also hold drop-in advising sessions for transfer students. Learn more about the UW sessions »

Type of sessionDay/TimeLocation
UWThursdays, 1:30-2:30 p.m.Register
College of EngineeringEvery first and third Thursday of the month, 2:45 - 3:30pmRegister
Engineering departments Varies by department. See departmental Transfer Thursday drop-in sessions on the Transfer Students page.

Asking questions over e-mail

E-mail the advising team for answers to simple, close-ended questions. If you have a more complex question, or you need immediate assistance, call 206-543-1770. Note that during busy advising periods, such as during registration, the response time to e-mails will be longer.

In your email, include your:

  • Name
  • Student ID number
  • Year
  • Intended major
  • Your close-ended question or concern

Student responsibilities vs. adviser responsibilities

Academic advising is a collaborative educational process where students and their advisers are partners in planning to achieve students’ personal, academic, and career goals. This partnership requires the active participation of both the advisers and the students.

Student responsibilities

Engineering advisers expect you to:

  • Regularly utilize the 4-year planning sheets, MyPlan, the course catalog, and your degree audit.
  • Become knowledgeable about and gather necessary information for majors of interest.
  • Take thoughtful steps to explore majors of interest and reflect on those experiences.
  • Know your curriculum requirements and track your progress towards graduation.
  • Follow UW academic policies, procedures, and deadlines.
  • Schedule and attend advising appointments when needed.

Adviser responsibilities

You can expect an engineering adviser to:

  • Assist and encourage you in discerning your educational goals.
  • Work with you on developing an educational plan.
  • Communicate the curriculum, graduation requirements, and university policies and procedures.
  • Provide you with information about and strategies for utilizing available resources and services.
  • Adhere to FERPA confidentiality standards.

Departmental advising directory

The College of Engineering Academic Advising team works primarily with first- and/or second-year engineering students. Once you have entered a major, you should work with your departmental adviser to plan your curriculum path and learn more about the options available to you in that department.

When mailing information to the individuals listed below, for all departments, the rest of the mailing address is: University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195-_ _ _ _ (use last four digits of campus box number)
317 Guggenheim Hall, Box 352400
3720 15th Ave. NE Box 355061
(206) 685-2000

Contact advising by email or schedule an appointment
116/130 Anderson Hall, Box 352100

Dave Drischell, Academic Services Director
137C Benson Hall, Box 351750
(206) 543-2252

Nicole Minkoff, Undergraduate Adviser
137A Benson Hall, Box 351750
(206) 685-1634
201 More Hall, Box 352700
Bill & Melinda Gates Center for Computer Science & Engineering, CSE2 170.
Check in at the front desk for all appointments.
Campus Box 352500
185 Stevens Way Paul Allen Center – Room AE100R Seattle, WA 98195-2500

Meghan Oxley, Academic Counselor – Senior
423 Sieg Hall, Box 352315
(206) 543-1798
G7 ME Building, Box 352650
(206) 543-5041
302A Roberts Hall, Box 352120
Mechanical Engineering, Stevens Way, Box 352600