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Placement requirements by major

Engineering Undeclared (ENGRUD) students who were admitted Direct to College in Fall 2024 and beyond can use this information to help determine the courses needed to request placement in an engineering major.

The deadline for completing the placement requirements and requesting placement is July 1.

You must maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 across the placement requirements to remain in good academic standing in the CoE and to be eligible to request placement in a major. A grade of 2.0 or above is needed for each course required for placement. See Creating Your Educational Plan for courses required by each department for graduation.


All majors require the following courses for placement

AA, BioE, BSE, ChemE, CivE, ECE, EnvE, HCDE, IE, MSE and ME.


Alternative honors options

ENGR 101  
English composition  
MATH 124MATH 134 
MATH 125MATH 135 
MATH 126MATH 136 
CHEM 142CHEM 143 or CHEM 145 
PHYS 121PHYS 141 

One course from the following list

All majors except ChemEAMATH 301, BIOEN 215, CHEM 152, CHEM 153, CHEM 155, CHEM 162, CHEM 165, CSE 121, CSE 122, CSE 123, CSE 160, ENGR 115, ME 123, MSE 170, PHYS 122, PHYS 123, PHYS 142, PHYS 143, STAT 220
ChemECHEM 152

Academic planning

Need more help planning your courses by major? Use the sample four-year plans and course catalogs to help guide your coursework