Gerald H. Pollack
- (206) 685-1880
- BIOE N210A
- Faculty Website
We study water. Our recent discoveries have shown that water has four phases, not three. The findings are summarized in a recent book and in many presentations that can be found on the web. We are exploring the role of the fourth phase of water in all of nature, particularly in human health.
- PhD, Biomedical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, 1968
- BS, Electrical Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (NYU), 1961
Select publications
- Pollack, G.H.: The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid and Vapor. Ebner & Sons, 2013
- Ienna, F, Yoo, H. and Pollack GH: Spatially Resolved Evaporative Patterns from Water Soft Matter, 8 (47), 11850 – 11856, 2012
- Klyuzhin, IS, Ienna, F, Roeder B, Wexler, A and Pollack GH: Persisting Water Droplets on Water Surfaces. J. Phys Chem B 114:14020-14027, 2010.
- Pollack, G.H. and Chin, W.-C. Phase Transitions in Cell Biology, Springer, 2008.
- Pollack, G.H., Cameron, I., and Wheatley, D., Water and the Cell. Springer, 2006.
Honors & awards
- Dinsdale Prize, Society for Scientific Exploration, 2014
- International Summit Award of Excellence, STC 2014.
- Scientific Excellence Award, World Academy of Neural Science, 2014
- Distinguished Award, Society for Technical Communication (for book, The Fourth Phase of Water), 2014
- Director, Institute for Venture Science, 2013
- Academy of Science, Srpska, Foreign member and Academician, 2012
- TEDx, 2012
- Prigogine Medal, 2012
- Martin Hellsten Surface-Chemistry Award, AkzoNobel Chalmers 2011
- Chair, US-Israel Binational Science Foundation Panel on Transformative Research, 2011