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2019/2020 Bioengineering Industry-Sponsored Student Capstone Projects


ECG Artifact Detector with Actionable Feedback

Project Name:
ECG Artifact Detector with Actionable Feedback
Analise Burko
Joshua Coyle
Noah Matsuyoshi
Paul Yollin
Faculty Adviser:
Chris Neils, Senior Lecturer, Department of Bioengineering
About the Project:

Artifact (an electrocardiographic wave that arises from sources other than the heart or brain) is a significant confounder in the acquisition and interpretation of multi-lead electrocardiograms (ECGs) for patient triage and diagnosis. While modern ECG acquisition systems have sophisticated software and hardware to minimize artifact, it is often insufficient. The ECG artifact rarely originates from the patient monitor itself but instead originates at the electrode-skin interface (poor contact), in the skeletal muscles (muscle artifact), or from radiated electromagnetic interference (EMI). Such ECG artifact is exacerbated in prehospital emergency care settings. Nevertheless, user action can often mitigate the presence of artifact through corrective action. The student team worked to develop an ECG artifact detection and classification algorithm that provides actionable feedback to the user to minimize the impact of such artifact.


NIBP SPO2 Validation

Project Name:
NIBP SPO2 Validation
Anais Emelie
Joseph Galeno
Sophia He
Mohammed Talib
Faculty Adviser:
Soraya Bailey, Lecturer, Department of Bioengineering
About the Project:

Stryker provides medical equipment to emergency medical teams (EMT’s) such as Medic One. The Master of Applied Bioengineering student team worked to determine the efficacy of non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) and pulse oximetry (SpO2) devices for EMT’s, and developed a validation test plan using state-of-the-art EMT equipment as a comparative baseline.