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International resources for faculty

The most successful and sustainable international collaborations are established by faculty. The College relies on the creativity and motivation of faculty to help develop international engineering activities. In turn, these collaborations enhance the academic mission of the UW.

View the 2018–2019 CoE Study Abroad Highlights.

Faculty in the College of Engineering encourage international learning and research through activities at the UW and abroad in a number of ways:

Developing international partnerships

International collaborations provide valuable knowledge and resources to our learning and research communities. The College of Engineering supports departments and faculty in developing and strengthening ties with international partner institutions; learn how in Developing International Partnerships.

Promoting international engineering education

Develop a faculty-led program

For engineering students, faculty-led programs can provide an exciting opportunity to explore engineering topics and earn departmental credit in a global context. Faculty also benefit:

  • Expand your disciplinary knowledge.
  • Engage with overseas colleagues.
  • Bring international issues to your courses by leading study abroad programs for UW students.

Course themes, program timeframes, and study locations can be customized to develop programs that benefit faculty and student participants.

The College of Engineering offers support to faculty in promoting faculty-led abroad programs, advising students on programmatic aspects, and establishing new international opportunities.

Next steps

  • Contact the Engineering Office of Academic Affairs to discuss initial program ideas and review the proposal process.
  • Learn about the full process for establishing study abroad programs at UW Study Abroad.
  • Work with the College to promote your program. CoE can promote informational sessions, craft emails for student and adviser listservs, host sessions during new student orientation (A&O), perform classroom visits, and table at student events.

Spread the word about existing UW international programs

Students may not be aware that it is possible for them to study abroad as engineering majors. Faculty can help students see that studying abroad is possible.

Because study abroad programming (and ideal timing) varies between academic degrees, consider partnering with the College on tailored messaging on the breadth of opportunities for your students via classroom visits, advising, or email.

Next steps

Encourage research exchanges for students

UW faculty can arrange for UW graduate and qualified undergraduate students to conduct research with faculty at international institutions.

Next steps

  • Encourage your students to participate in Independent Learning Abroad through UW Study Abroad to receive credit for research conducted abroad.

Practice teaching inclusively

Inclusive teaching refers to pedagogical practices that support meaningful and accessible learning for all students, and is essential to fulfilling UW's instructional mission.

Next steps

  • Review the research, strategies, and resources provided by the Center for Teaching and Learning on integrating inclusive teaching practices into your courses. 

Internationalize your curriculum and classroom

Many engineering faculty and educators are developing innovative strategies for bringing international themes and topics into their engineering courses.

Next steps

Hosting international visitors

Host an international delegation

Bringing an international delegation to UW can help to develop faculty relationships and discuss future international partnerships for departments and the College. Departments are responsible for the logistics and scheduling when a delegation from a potential or current partner institution is interested in visiting UW.

Next steps

  • If the proposed partnership is appropriate for the College of Engineering, contact the Engineering Office of Academic Affairs for assistance.
  • For partnerships with your department, learn about how the UW Office of Global Affairs provides logistical support for international delegations.

    In cases where international delegations seek to sign an agreement during their visit, we strongly encourage departments to follow the international agreement process and to use the MOU template provided by the Office of Global Affairs.

Sponsoring an international scholar

More resources

Funding for international activities

Support for global travel

Faculty have access to many resources to support global travel. To monitor the safety and security of all UW community members, the College strongly encourages faculty to register University-related international travel with the UW Travel Registry.