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Promotion of affiliate faculty

Many members of the College of Engineering's affiliate faculty program hold positions outside of an academic environment. Although members of our affiliate faculty hold qualifications which are comparable to the regular members of our faculty, the nature of their professional lives does not present the same evaluation measures available to full-time faculty members.

Accordingly, dossier requirements for members of our affiliate faculty have been specifically prepared, and are described below. Candidates and sponsors may also wish to review the Promotion and Tenure Toolkit for more context and considerations related to these elements of the dossier.

Content requirements of the promotion dossier

Promotion dossiers for members of the affiliate faculty must include the following elements.

  • A memo from the department chair, including a report of the faculty vote
  • The candidate's resume/CV
  • At least one external letter of support (this may be a "Category B" letter as described in the toolkit.)
  • A supporting letter from the faculty sponsor

Assembly requirements of the promotion dossier

Two hard copies and a PDF copy of the final dossier should be submitted to the College of Engineering Human Resources office by the deadline for non-mandatory promotions. See the Promotion and Tenure Toolkit for more information.

Note that a table of contents and page numbering are not required for affiliate promotion dossiers.