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Three from UW Engineering among the 2018 Awards of Excellence recipients

April 25, 2018

UW's Awards of Excellence recipients are honored for achievements in teaching, mentoring, public service and staff support. This year's honorees include three from UW Engineering:

Bioengineering professor Suzie Pun
Bioengineering professor Suzie Hwang Pun receives the Marsha L. Landolt Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award, which recognizes outstanding mentoring of graduate students by faculty members.
Sonya Cunningham
Sonya G. Cunningham, director of the STARS Program, receives the David B. Thorud Leadership Award in the staff category. This award recognizes leadership, including exhibiting — through project work, team work or other service — innovation, the ability to find practical solutions for complex problems, teamwork and excellent listening skills.
Eldridge Alcantara
Electrical Engineering Ph.D. student Eldridge Alcantara receives an Excellence in Teaching Award, which is for demonstration of extraordinary ability in the teaching and learning process as a graduate TA.

The winners will be honored at 3:30 p.m. on June 7 at a ceremony in Meany Hall for the UW community and general public. See the complete list of honorees.