October 21, 2022
On Wednesday, Oct 19 2022, Dean Nancy Allbritton shared the following announcement with the College of Engineering community:

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Marco Salviato, Associate Professor in the William E. Boeing Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics (A&A), as the Director of the Advanced Composites Center (ACC), effective September 16, 2022. In addition, Marco will serve as Director of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) funded Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials in Transport Aircraft Structures (AMTAS). I am confident that Marco will provide outstanding leadership for the ACC and AMTAS and facilitate a continued rise in excellence and prominence for both centers.
Marco brings a depth of leadership experience and research expertise to the role as he served as a co-Director of the ACC, and member of the Scientific Steering Committee. Marco received his BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering and his Ph.D. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from the University of Padova, Italy. He joined the A&A department from Northwestern University in 2015. In 2017, he received the A&A department’s Faculty of the Year Award. He has also received the ASME Haythornthwaite Young Investigator Award, the UW’s Faculty Appreciation for Career Education & Training recognition, and the American Society for Composites’ Young Composites Researcher Award. A leader in the field of composites, Marco has established a highly productive research lab, the Multiscale Analysis of Materials and Structures (MAMS), focusing on the computational modeling of composites and nanocomposites.
The Advanced Composites Center (ACC) vision is to build a robust innovation ecosystem for industry and academia to advance the field of composites manufacturing. As Director of ACC, Marco will help realize this vision by working collaboratively within the College and with our external partners, including Boeing and the FAA. He will oversee the development of educational programs to train the workforce of the future; grow new partnerships with industry, other universities, and community colleges; and use data-based methods and machine learning to develop high-rate, cost-efficient composite manufacturing methods, reducing the environmental footprint of the aerospace industry.
I would like to thank Santosh Devasia for his leadership and work to establish the ACC and for serving as its inaugural director. Special thanks to the search committee, Karl Böhringer (chair), Steve Shen, Jim Riley, Jinkyu Yang, Mitsuru Kurosaka, Bruce Hinds, Eleftheria Roumeli, and Liz Young, for their great work in engaging the community in the search for the next director. And finally, my gratitude to the A&A, ME and MSE departments for their partnership and support of ACC and AMTAS.
Please join me in congratulating Marco!
Best regards,