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The Trend in

Autumn 2020 Edition

Trend Archive

Rendering of new engineering buildings

A college transformed

As the UW’s “Be Boundless — For Washington, For the World” campaign comes to a close, we highlight some of the transformational investments made in the College of Engineering.

portait of Magda Balazinska

Investing in the future

Allen School Director Magda Balazinska discusses how major "Be Boundless" campaign gifts will shape the UW’s computer science and engineering program for years to come.

Rendering of new makerspace

Building for the future of engineering

Learn about our plans for a new Interdisciplinary Engineering Building and how you can help shape the future of engineering education at UW.

A twist of fate

The UW Making Connections program helped shape the course of UW Engineering alumna Ayan Hassan’s life — and one of the program’s founders did, too.

Engineering STARS

Three STARS graduates fill us in on what they’ve been up to since receiving their engineering degrees.

A body in motion

Allen School student Louis Maliyam came to the U.S. for computer science — and along the way discovered dance.

Health care in your hands

We highlight several smartphone apps being developed by UW researchers to save lives and keep people healthy.

Today’s engineering student experience

UW photographers share some of their favorite examples of hands-on engineering education.

UW launches CREATE

The new UW CREATE center is led by an interdisciplinary team whose mission is to make the world accessible through technology.


The Trend in Engineering is UW Engineering’s alumni newsletter. Published twice a year, it features stories about students, faculty, research, alumni and more.




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