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The Trend in

Autumn 2021 Edition

Trend Archive

Mike Averkiou, left, Barry Lutz, center, and Manjiri Dighe, right, during a recent contrast-enhanced ultrasound of Lutz's liver

Hope and healing

One researcher combats cancer with the help of UW doctors and tools developed by his colleagues.

Purple and white lines that are tracing the shape of the UW W

AI Institute for Dynamic Systems

The UW is leading a new NSF institute for using artificial intelligence to understand dynamic systems.

UW building light up in purple

Strategic Plan 2021-2026

Introducing the College’s new five-year strategic plan, “Engineering Excellence for the Public Good.”

IEB update

Design for the Interdisciplinary Engineering Building — which will promote a new level of collaboration and hands-on learning — has included an unprecedented number of student voices to focus on access and inclusivity.

An innovation partnership

The College of Engineering and UW School of Medicine have created a position to expand health innovation. Meet Dr. Tueng Shen, the first to serve in this role.

Graduate research takes flight

Sensing research is flying aboard the 2021 Boeing ecoDemonstrator, giving graduate students an opportunity to test algorithms and models during flight.

Alberto Aliseda to serve as Mechanical Engineering’s chair

The PACCAR Professor in Mechanical Engineering began his appointment in July.

Lilo Pozzo named Material Science & Engineering’s interim chair

The Boeing-Roundhill Professor in Chemical Engineering began her two-year term in September. 

Anna Karlin elected to the National Academy of Sciences

The Bill and Melinda Gates Chair in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering is one of five UW faculty elected this year.


The Trend in Engineering is UW Engineering’s alumni newsletter. Published twice a year, it features stories about students, faculty, research, alumni and more.




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