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The Trend in

Spring 2019 Edition

Trend Archive

students in front of a white board

Peer-to-peer education

Through the College’s new Engineering Peer Educator program, experienced undergraduates help first-year students transition into the UW community.

Mike Bragg

Looking back, looking ahead

As his tenure comes to a close, Dean Michael Bragg reflects on where the College of Engineering has been since he joined in 2013 and where it’s headed next.

Bill & Melinda Gates Center

Increasing access and opportunities

The Bill & Melinda Gates Center opens a new era of computer science education and innovation at the UW.

Shwetak Patel receives ACM Prize in Computing

The UW researcher has been honored for contributions to creative and practical sensing systems for sustainability and health.

Solar-powered passion

Civil & Environmental Engineering senior Alex Ratcliff is bringing solar power and increased sustainability to buildings across campus.

Meet The MILL

The new campus makerspace provides the UW community with a place to collaborate, innovate and create.

From campus to career

Industry professionals help ISE undergraduates transition from student life to the working world through a unique mentorship program.

Robot helper

UW researchers create a robotic arm that assists people with eating.

New ChemE chair

Jim Pfaendtner, the Jagjeet and Janice Bindra Endowed Associate Professor of ChemE, has been named chair of the department.


The Trend in Engineering is UW Engineering’s alumni newsletter. Published twice a year, it features stories about students, faculty, research, alumni and more.




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