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Program quick facts

A snapshot of the professional graduate programs offered at UW Engineering.

Aeronautics and Astronautics

Program typeProgramDurationEstimated costsApplication deadlinesProgram location
Stackable Graduate Certificate

Aerospace Control Systems4 quarters (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum)$19,908 ($1,168 per credit; AY 24-25)Early September TBDIn-person or online (synchronous), part-time, evenings
Stackable Graduate Certificate

Modern Aerospace Structures4 quarters (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum)$19,908 ($1,168 per credit; AY 24-25)Early September TBDIn-person or online (synchronous), part-time, evenings
Stackable Graduate Certificate

Aerospace Composite Structures4 quarters (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum)$19,908 ($1,168 per credit; AY 24-25)Early September TBDIn-person or online (synchronous), part-time, evenings
Professional Master's DegreeAerospace Engineering9 quarters (Aut, Win, Spr) x 3 academic years$57,267 ($1,168/credit).Priority Consideration: April 1. Final/Second Round Admissions Deadline August 1 each yearIn-person or online (synchronous), part-time, evenings, some sequential coursework, autumn-only start


Program typeProgramDurationEstimated costsApplication deadlinesProgram location
Professional Master's DegreeApplied Bioengineering3 quarters - (Aut, Win, Spr) Note: there is an autumn quarter early Sept start for clinical preceptorship at the start of the program$33,513 resident, $40,461 non-resident. AY 23-24Priority: January 31, Space Permitting: April 30In person, part-time, evenings
Affiliated CertificateBasic Bioscience4 quarters (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum)$14,994September 13Online (synchronous), full-time
Professional Master's DegreePharmaceutical BioengineeringPart time-7 quarters$39,641 ($940/credit AY24-25)Priority May 10, rolling until Sep 1Online, sychronous and asynchronous, part-time, evenings

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Program typeProgramDurationEstimated costsApplication deadlinesProgram location
Professional Master's DegreeConstruction, Energy, and Sustainable Infrastructure18 months to two years enrolled full-time$30,744.00 plus fees. ($732/credit) AY 24-25.December 15 early notification deadline. May 1 final deadline. Applications accepted into PMP only on space available space until September 1.In-person, day-time, autumn-only start
Professional Master's DegreeEnvironmental Engineering18 months to two years enrolled full-time$30,744.00 plus fees. ($732/credit) AY 24-25.December 15 early notification deadline. May 1 final deadline. Applications accepted into PMP only on space available space until September 1.In-person, day-time, autumn-only start
Professional Master's DegreeGeotechnical Engineering9 months to two years full-time$30,744.00 plus fees. ($732/credit) AY 24-25.December 15 early notification deadline. May 1 final deadline. Applications accepted into PMP only on space available space until September 1.In-person, day-time, autumn-only start
Professional Master's DegreeHydrology and Hydrodynamics18 months to two years enrolled full-time$30,744.00 plus fees. ($732/credit) AY 24-25.December 15 early notification deadline. May 1 final deadline. Applications accepted into PMP only on space available space until September 1.In-person, day-time, autumn-only start
Professional Master's DegreeStructural Engineering and Mechanics18 months to two years enrolled full-time$30,744.00 plus fees. ($732/credit) AY 24-25.December 15 early notification deadline. May 1 final deadline. Applications accepted into PMP only on space available space until September 1.In-person, day-time, autumn-only start
Professional Master's DegreeSustainable Transportation3 years part-time$32, 250 ($750/credit) AY 22-23Priority deadline May 1. Final application deadline August 31.Online (Synchronous), part-time, evenings
Professional Master's DegreeTransportation Engineering9 months to two years full-time$30,744.00 plus fees. ($732/credit) AY 24-25.December 15 early notification deadline. May 1 final deadline. Applications accepted into PMP only on space available space until September 1.In-person, autumn-only start
Affiliated CertificateSustainable Transportation: Planning & Livable Communities3 quarters (Aut, Win, Spr)$5,040 Noncredit-earning, $9,750 credit-earningSeptember 13Online (Synchronous), part-time, evenings
Professional Master's DegreeCivil Engineering: Energy Infrastructure5 quarters, including summer$28,728 ($684/credit) AY 22-23Admits quarterly, Autumn- July 1, Winter- November 1, Spring- February 1, Summer- May 1Online (Asynchronous), full- or part-time
Professional Master's DegreeConstruction EngineeringFull time - 4.5 quarters Part time - 7 quarters Average time to degree 2 years$30,660 ($730/credit) AY 22-23Admits quarterly, Autumn- July 1, Winter- November 1, Spring- February 1, Summer- May 1Online (Asynchronous), non-sequential course options
Professional Master's DegreeSupply Chain Transportation & Logistics2 years, average time to degree$42,001 ($997/credit) AY 22-23Priority deadline- January 15th, Application deadline- March 1, Space-available application deadline- May 1Online (Asynchronous), non-sequential course options

Chemical Engineering

Program typeProgramDurationEstimated costsApplication deadlinesProgram location
Stackable Graduate Certificate

Stacks toward M.S. in AIML
AI/ML: Molecular & Process Engineering (Launching autumn 2025)4 quarters$19,500 (estimated - $1,300/credit)TBDOnline (synchronous), part-time, courses are sequential
Professional Master's DegreeChemical Engineering: Data Science Option3 quarters$25,518 resident
$39,624 non-resident. AY 22-23
Priority: December 15
Space permitting: Rolling admissions
In-person, part-time, evenings

Computer Science and Engineering

Program typeProgramDurationEstimated costsApplication deadlinesProgram location
Professional Master's DegreeComputer Science & Engineering, Evening8 quarters (Aut, Win, Spr) / 2.5 years$43,040 ($1076/credit) AY 23-24Autumn: July 1
Winter: November 1
Spring: February 1
In-person, full-time, autumn-only start

Electrical Engineering

Program typeProgramDurationEstimated costsApplication deadlinesProgram location
Professional Master's DegreeElectrical Engineering4+ quarters for full-time; 9+ for part-time$48,825 plus fees ($1085/credit) AY 24-25 /Cycle 1: Jan 5
Cycle 2: March 15
Cycle 3: May 15
In-person, part-time, evenings
Affiliated CertificateApplied Cybersecurity Engineering3 quarters (can start Aut, Win, or Spr)$13,020 plus fees ($1085/ credit) AY 24-25Autumn: September 4
Winter: December 9
Spring: March 10
In-person, part-time, evenings
Affiliated CertificateGPU- Accelerated Computing and Visualization3 quarters (Aut, Win, Spr)$13,020 plus fees ($1085/ credit) AY 24-25September 4
Online (Synchronous), full- or part-time, evenings 
Affiliated CertificateMachine Learning and Deep Learning: Application Frontiers1-3 quarters (varies)$13,020 plus fees ($1085/ credit) AY 24-25Autumn: September 4
Winter: December 9
Spring: March 10
In-person, part-time, evenings

Human-Centered Design and Engineering

Program typeProgramDurationEstimated costsApplication deadlinesProgram location
Professional Master's DegreeHuman Centered Design & Engineering2 years full-time, 3 years part-time including summer, 4 years part-time not including summer$46,250 ($950/credit) AY 24-25January 15In-person, part-time, evenings
Stackable Graduate Certificate
User Centered Design3 quarters (Aut, Win, Spr)$16,279 ($950/credit) AY 24-25August 15In-person, part-time, evenings

Industrial Systems and Engineering

Program typeProgramDurationEstimated costsApplication deadlinesProgram location
Professional Master's DegreeMaster of Industrial & Systems Engineering (MISE)8-11 quarters, including one or two summers.$25,518 resident,
$39,624 non-resident/ international/ online
Application deadline: July 15, Space Permitting: rolling admissions after deadlineIn-person and online (synchronous), part-time, evenings, some sequential coursework, autumn-only start
Stackable Graduate Certificate

Systems Engineering Leadership9-24 months$14,250 (Estimate)September 1In-person and online, part-time, evenings, some sequential coursework, autumn-only start
Stackable Graduate Certificate

Stacks toward
M.S. in AIML
Data Analytics for Systems Operations9-24 months$14,250 (Estimate)September 1In-person and online, part-time, evenings, some sequential coursework, autumn-only start

Mechanical Engineering

Program typeProgramDurationEstimated costsApplication deadlinesProgram location
Professional Master's DegreeMechanical EngineeringFull time - 4.5 quarters, Part time - 7 quarters. Average time to degree 2 years$27,762 resident, $51,156 non-resident/ international/ online Priority deadline Fall intake: December 15, Final deadline Autumn: July 1. Quarterly deadlines for online:  July 1 (Aut), Nov 1 (Win), Feb 1 (Spr)In-person or online (asynchronous), part-time, evenings

Materials Science and Engineering

Program typeProgramDurationEstimated costsApplication deadlinesProgram location
Professional Master's DegreeApplied Master's Program, Materials Science & Engineering3-4 quarters depending on the student, can be extended 1-3 years depending on FT or PT options$26,073 resident, $40,461 non-resident/ internationalPriority: March 15.  Extended: July 1.  Space permitting after July 1, rolling admissionsIn-person, with some online options, full- or part-time
Stackable Graduate Certificate

Data Science in Materials Engineering9-24 months$15,000 (Estimate)September 1In-person, part-time, late afternoon and evenings


Program typeProgramDurationEstimated costsApplication deadlinesProgram location
Stackable Graduate Certificate

Battery Engineering, Materials and Manufacturing (Launching winter 2025)4 quarters$16,500 plus fees. ($1,100/credit)Priority: November 1Online (synchronous), part-time, courses are sequential
Stackable Graduate Certificate

Stacks toward
M.S. in AIML
AI & Machine Learning for Engineering 15 months (4 quarters)$18,000 total.July 1Online, part-time, sychronous and asynchronous, courses are sequential,
Stackable Master's Degree

AI & Machine Learning for Engineering
Full time - 2 years, part time 3-4 years$41,250- $43,500July 1Online, full- or part-time, sychronous and asynchronous learning, courses are sequential
Professional Master's DegreeTechnology Innovation6 quarters / 18 months$59,040Round 1, January 17.

Round 2, April 4.
In-person, full-time only, courses are sequential, autumn-only start
Stackable Graduate Certificate

Composite Structures: Materials and Manufacturing9-24 months$15,000 (Estimate)September 1In-person