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2006 Diamond Award Honorees

2006 Honorees

Distinguished Achievement - Chumpol Na Lamlieng

Chumpol Na LamliengChumpol built a 30-year career at Siam Cement Public Co., Ltd., the bluest of Thailand’s blue chips, with the royal family as major shareholders. Market capitalization of $7 billion and employment of 35,000 make Siam Cement the country’s biggest industrial conglomerate. Chumpol is known for the steadiness and integrity with which he restructured the company and renewed profitability after the Asian currency crisis of the late 1990s. Since 2003, he has served as chairman of the board of SingTel Group, which provides voice and data services in Singapore and Australia. He also is a member of the executive committee of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and a member of the Asia Pacific Advisory Committee to the New York Stock Exchange. He holds a 1964 BSME from the University of Washington and a 1967 MBA from Harvard.

Entrepreneurial Excellence - Jeremy Jaech

Jeremy JaechIn the past 20 years Jeremy has had a hand in the startups of Aldus (acquired by Adobe), Visio (acquired by Microsoft) and now Trumba. New ways of working have sprung from his revolutionary products: PageMaker ushered in desktop publishing and Visio was the first mass-market business drawing and diagramming software. Now Jeremy is president and CEO of Trumba, which provides shared online calendaring for subscribers and the groups to which they belong. A Richland native, he earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics and a master's degree in computer science at the UW. He co-chaired the capital campaign to build the Paul G. Allen Center for Computer Science & Engineering, and he currently chairs the Campaign UW communications committee. In addition, Jeremy serves on the boards of RealNetworks, Alibre Inc. and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

Distinguished Service - Al DeAtley

Al DeAtleyAl became a state and national leader in the asphalt paving industry while remaining the “go-to guy” for Yakima Valley civic causes. Al has spearheaded regional capital campaigns or board activities for the Boy Scouts, Kiwanis and the Washington Wine Country consortium. A vigorous advocate for education, he has been active in issues from school readiness to access to engineering education. He led the creation of a national foundation that has provided some 200 college scholarships for civil engineering students. He studied at the UW in the 1950s, and purchased Superior Asphalt Company from his father in 1974. Former chief executive of both the Washington and National Asphalt Paving Associations, Al is a member of the UW Construction Hall of Fame.

Early Career - Jeffrey Dean

Jeffrey Dean

Millions of people satisfy their curiosity every day by using Jeff Dean’s handiwork. Jeff has helped to develop and implement three generations of Google’s Web crawling, indexing and query serving systems—covering two and three orders of magnitude growth in number of documents searched, number of queries handled per second, and frequency of updates to the system. He is now a Google Fellow in the systems infrastructure group. Jeff earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science and economics from the University of Minnesota, then went to work for the World Health Organization, developing software to help fight the HIV pandemic. After receiving a PhD in computer science from the UW in 1996, he spent three years with Digital Equipment Corporation, working on projects including web-based information retrieval. Jeff joined Google in 1999.


Questions about the Diamond Awards? Contact Nancy Anderson at (206) 685-2422.