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Submit an incident report

The College of Engineering is committed to protecting the rights and dignity of every individual in our community. We encourage you to let us know by using this form if you encounter or suspect incidents of bias, discrimination or harassment.

This form is for non-emergency incidents. If your immediate safety is at risk or you perceive imminent harm to yourself or others, please call 911. UW SafeCampus is also available 24 hours a day at 206-685-7233 to anonymously discuss safety and well-being concerns. This includes support following experiences of sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, and/or relationship violence.

Read frequently asked questions

* indicates a required field

We are required to initially collect this information for safety purposes. Reporter identity is kept confidential and never publicized.

I am a
The date can be broad if needed such as a particular month or quarter
Please provide a description of the incident and any additional concerns you would like us to be aware of. If you have any desired outcomes, please note them here.
Communication preferences
If this option is selected, we will not share your name in any conversations connected to this report. This may also include advocating on your behalf in various meetings with your permission and input if desired.