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ENGRUD policies

To maintain engineering undeclared (ENGRUD) status, students must:

1. Complete, with a minimum 2.0 grade, at least one required mathematics, science, English composition, computer programming, or engineering course at the UW each quarter:

AA 210
AA 260
BIOEN 215 or ENGR 115
BIOL 180
BIOL 200
BIOL 220
CEE 220
CHEM 110
CHEM 142
CHEM 143
CHEM 145
CHEM 152
CHEM 153
CHEM 155
CHEM 162

CHEM 165
CHEM 223
CHEM 224
CHEM 237
CHEM 238
CSE 121
CSE 122
CSE 123
CSE 143
CSE 160
EE 215
EE 233
IND E 250
IND E 315
MATH 120
MATH 124
MATH 125
MATH 126
MATH 134
MATH 135

MATH 136
MATH 207
MATH 208
MATH 209
MATH 224
ME 123
ME 230
MSE 170
PHYS 121
PHYS 122
PHYS 123
PHYS 141
PHYS 142
PHYS 143
STAT 220
STAT 221
STAT 311
STAT 390

2. Maintain a minimum 2.00 UW ENGRUD grade point average (GPA) across mathematics, science, English composition, computer programming, and engineering courses completed after matriculation at the UW:

  • You must maintain a 2.00 GPA across the courses listed above taken at UW. Grades in courses taken at another school are not counted as part of your UW ENGRUD GPA.
  • The College of Engineering follows the UW policies around repeating a course. Please talk to your adviser if you’re considering retaking a course.
  • Your grades in English composition and ENGR 231 are also included in your ENGRUD GPA.
  • Each placement requirement course must be completed with a 2.0 grade or higher.

3. Request placement by July 1 after matriculation at the UW.

Placement policy

  • Eligible students will request placement into a major after completion of three quarters at the UW. See placement requirements to determine eligibility.
  • Students may only participate in placement once and placement is final.
  • Students who meet the continuation policy but who have not completed the placement requirements by July 1 may request placement into a major on a conditional basis pending completion of the placement requirements. If remaining placement requirements are not met by the end of the 6th quarter at the UW (not including summer) students will be dropped from Engineering Undeclared status and transitioned to pre-major status.
    • In order to be eligible to be considered for conditional placement, ENGR 101, MATH 124, and three additional courses required for placement must be complete.
    • Conditionally placed students will continue to be held to the ENGRUD continuation policy until all placement requirements have been met.
  • Students who do not request placement after three quarters at the UW will be dropped from Engineering Undeclared status and transitioned to premajor status.

Review and notification of progress

  • Engineering Undeclared Warning Students whose performance fails to meet the standards outlined above in their first quarter will be placed on Engineering Undeclared warning. Students who fail to meet satisfactory progress requirements after one quarter will be placed on probation; a hold is placed on their registration, and they must meet with a College of Engineering adviser.
  • Engineering Undeclared Probation A student is placed on Engineering Undeclared Probation at the end of any quarter (except for the first quarter as an Engineering Undeclared student, when a warning is issued) in which they fail to meet the Continuation Policy standards outlined above. Students who fail to meet satisfactory progress requirements after one quarter are dropped from Engineering Undeclared status. Such students may appeal for continuation of their Engineering Undeclared status following the ENGRUD reinstatement process outlined below. Students may only appeal for continuation of the Engineering Undeclared status one time.

ENGRUD reinstatement process

Students dropped from Engineering Undeclared status and transitioned to pre-major status as a result of not meeting continuation requirements may appeal for continuation as an Engineering Undeclared student by submitting the ENGRUD reinstatement appeal form. 

If a student chooses to appeal, submission of appeal documents as soon as possible after a student’s final grades are posted is strongly encouraged.

Reinstatement for:Deadline to submit appeal:
Winter quarter10am first day of winter quarter
Spring quarter10am first day of spring quarter
Summer quarter10am first day of summer quarter
Placement process5pm on June 24, 2024 (Summer 2025 date TBD)
Autumn quarter10am first day of autumn quarter

If a student’s appeal is approved, the student’s major status will be changed back to ENGRUD and they will be on ENGRUD probation. 

Students who have exceeded six quarters at the UW without placing into an engineering major are not eligible to appeal for continuation of their ENGRUD status and students cannot appeal for reinstatement more than once.

Engineering undeclared leave of absence policy

Students who need to take time away from the UW can request a Leave of absence from the College of Engineering to maintain their engineering undeclared status for one to three quarters (not including summer). Leave of absence requests must be submitted to Engineering Advising. If approved, students will maintain their engineering undeclared program status upon their return.

If you are considering a leave of absence, please schedule an appointment with an adviser to discuss your options.

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