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Foreign language courses

The College of Engineering does not have a foreign language requirement. Students interested in studying a foreign language should be aware of the ways different foreign language courses may satisfy general education requirements.

The College follows the central University of Washington policy regarding the applicability of foreign language courses to the A&H (Arts & Humanities; formerly VLPA (Visual, Literary and Performing Arts)) general education requirement.

  • First-year foreign/global language courses that, on their own, carry the A&H designation can apply to the A&H requirement (e.g. first-year courses in German, Swedish).
  • First-year foreign/global language courses (e.g. 101 and 102) that do not, on their own, carry the A&H designation can apply to the A&H requirement only if the third quarter is completed. This applies to first-year courses such as Spanish, French and Italian. In order to apply for the A&H requirement, courses must be completed with a numerical grade.

Example scenarios

  • Student completes GERMAN 101 = 5 credits of A&H
  • Student completes CHIN 101-102-103 = 15 credits of A&H
  • Student completes the language placement exam and places into 102 (skips 101), completes 102-103 = 10 credits of A&H
  • Student completes the language placement exam and places into 103 (skips 101-102), completes 103 = 5 credits of A&H

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