Julie Kientz (HCDE)
Named an ACM Distinguished Member for outstanding scientific contributions to computing. 12/20/2020

Guozhong Cao (MSE,ChemE), Alex K.Y. Jen (MSE), Jun Liu (MSE, ChemE), and Xiaodong Xu (MSE)
Recognized by the Web of Science Group as 2020 Highly Cited Researchers. 12/20/2020

Pedro Domingos (CSE) and Daniel Weld (CSE)
Named fellows by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 11/20/2020
Faisal Hossain (CivE)
Awarded the prestigious 2020 International Award from the American Geophysical Union (AGU). 11/20/2020
Samson A. Jenekhe (ChemE)
Received the 2021 Polymer Physics Prize from the American Physical Society 10/20/2020
Eve Riskin (ECE)
Received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring. 08/20/2020
Jessica Ray (CEE)
Named a member of the 2020 Talented 12 list of young chemists working to solve world problems by the weekly newsmagazine Chemical & Engineering News, or C&EN. 08/20/2020

Richard Ladner (CSE)
Recipient of the National Science Board's 2020 Public Service Award, for his career of contributions to increasing public understanding of science and engineering. 08/20/2020
Maryam Fazel (ECE)
Named the first recipient of the new Moorthy Family Inspiration Career Development Professorship, for her work as a researcher and educator. 08/20/2020

Adriana Schulz (CSE) and Nadya Peek (HCDE)
Named as “Innovators Under 35” recognized by MIT Technology Review as part of its 2020 TR35 Awards. 06/18/2020

Arka Majumdar (ECE) and Lillian Ratliff (ECE)
Recipients of the 2020 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program (ONR YIP) award. 04/20/2020

10 UW engineering professors receive Google Faculty Research Awards
Tom Anderson, Jennifer Mankoff, James Fogarty, Jon Froelich, Sewoong Oh and Adriana Schulz of the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering; Leah Findlater and Sean Munson of the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering; Julian Marshall of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering; and Amy Orsborn of both the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and the Department of Bioengineering. 03/20/2020

Hannaneh Hajishirzi (CSE) and Yin Tat Lee (CSE)
Awarded Sloan Research Fellowships. 02/20/2020
Steven L. Kramer (CEE)
Elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering for his contributions to geotechnical earthquake engineering, including liquefaction, seismic stability, and seismic site response. 02/20/2020