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Event cancelled

The University of Washington’s Discovery Days event scheduled for May 1 and 2, 2025 is unfortunately canceled.

The UW is facing significant financial challenges due to unprecedented and rapid policy changes at the federal level and a state budget shortfall that could lead to cuts to Washington universities’ funding.

Given this situation, the University must pause non-essential hiring and cut discretionary spending. Since we need to preserve resources for our core mission of educating students, we sadly cannot move forward with Discovery Days. This is a heart-breaking decision for all of us, particularly after last year’s successful relaunch following cancellations due to the pandemic. The 1,300 faculty, students, staff and volunteers who team up to organize Discovery Days were looking forward to welcoming nearly 10,000 students, families and community members to the UW to learn more about engineering discoveries and careers.

We hope we’ll be able to resume Discovery Days in 2026 and apologize for any inconvenience and disappointment this cancellation causes. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns about this cancellation. Thank you for your understanding during this challenging time.

Exhibitor resources

The exhibits at Engineering Discovery Days (EDD) inspire and motivate future engineers by engaging them in hands-on activities. This is your chance to show the community what engineers do and what engineering students are learning.

Registering a department exhibit

Exhibitor registration for Discovery Days 2025 is open!

Please register your group by April 4, 2025. View our resources below or contact your departmental coordinator for support designing your exhibit.

Please email to be added to our mailing list to receive registration updates.

Department exhibits can be located in the EDD common area or in your department building or lab. All exhibitors are asked to participate on both Thursday and Friday.

When registering, provide the following information about the exhibit:

  • Contact information
  • Title and short description
  • Your engineering department
  • Type of exhibit (hands-on, demo, tour, poster, video or other)
  • If in the common area, requirements for electricity, number of tables, etc
  • If in another location, details such as indoor/outdoor, building name and room number

Planning a location

Common area

For exhibits located in a common area:

  • Rainier Vista
  • Mueller Courtyard
  • AERB Lawn
  • Guggenheim South Lawn

We provide:

  • Power
  • Tents
  • Tables and chairs

Other locations

In or around engineering departmental buildings, you must make all arrangements for chairs, tables, tents and power.

For indoor spaces, contact your departmental Discovery Days coordinator to make arrangements.

To reserve your own space outside of a building (grassy area, etc.)

  1. Contact your building coordinator to get permission.
  2. Contact 206-221-7819 for the approval of the use of that space.

Planning an engaging exhibit

The following resources will help you plan your exhibit.
Tips for engaging students | Safety | Contacts

Tips for engaging students in grades 4-8

Engineering Discovery Days appeals to students of all ages because of the interactive engineering-related exhibits. Successful exhibitors cite their ideas below for creating hands-on, interactive exhibits for students in grades 4 through 8.

Your exhibit could be a demonstration of an experiment, a workshop to teach middle school students how to conduct their own experiment, a fun activity that teaches principles of engineering through hands-on participation, or a poster representing research you've done.

Good hands-on activities have:

  • Student interaction: the student handles the exhibit, tries several solutions, and creates their own understanding about it. It throws light on an idea.
  • A clear and detectable idea easily relatable to the "big picture."
  • Visual appeal through color, symbols, etc. to draw in students.
  • An interactive element.
  • A problem to solve.

Also consider:

  • Is the exhibit interesting?
  • Can it withstand repeated handling by visitors?
  • Will this be an easy hands-on activity for students 4-8?
  • Will the student’s body and mind get involved with this exhibit?
  • Does it convey the idea or concept?
  • Does it have aesthetic appeal?



Be prepared and know what to do in case of an accident or incident:

Departmental event contacts

For help and more information on exhibits concerning your department, contact your departmental coordinator.

A&A Amy Sprague
Kam Yee
BioE Eric Chudler
CEE Hazel Chen
ChemE Nicole Minkoff
Dave Drischell
Ben Hornberg
CSE Fernanda Jardim
Amber Cochran
ECE Jessi Navarre
Madeline Miller
HCDE Arpita B
Sua Oh
ISE Patty Buchanan
ME Liz Bell
Kyle Luiten
Bill Kuykendall
MSE Hanson Fong
Carter Beamish
NanoES/WNF Mark Morgan
Engineering Library Mel DeSart
Julie Cook
Clean Energy Institute Danica Hendrickson
MolES Doug Ballard
Maker Space Dei Caudle
CoE CoE Events office