Multibody Dynamic Model of a Front Suspension and Steering System for a Twin Steer Axle Heavy Duty Truck
Project Name:
Multibody Dynamic Model of a Front Suspension and Steering System for a Twin Steer Axle Heavy Duty Truck
Khrisna Kamarga
Tsung Da Kuo
Yanming Li
Jing Lu
Logan McCallum
Mojun Pan
Kaiyu Shi
Li-Wei Shih
Storrie Skalisky
Collin Rhodes
Shunsuke Winston
Zi Ye
Faculty Adviser:
Brian Fabien, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor, Mechanical Engineering
About the Project:
In order to achieve good weight distribution and maneuverability within a fixed vehicle length two steering axles can be used instead of a single steer axle. Doing so adds complexity to the design since many components need to be connected with linkages in order to coordinate steering angles of the tires as well as proper load transfer between the first and second axle. The student team worked to create a simulation model of the front suspension and steering system that predicts the motion of the system through the expected range of travel and is capable of estimating loads while undergoing durability events.