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Requesting Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)

Professional and classified staff may request FMLA when they have a serious medical condition or they are caring for a family member. Generally, a qualifying leave will be covered by the FMLA if an employee has worked for the UW or the state of Washington at least 60% FTE for at least one year, and has not already used the annual 12 week FMLA leave entitlement. The staff member must communicate their intent to take leave with their supervisor and submit an FMLA request form (with healthcare provider certification) to Upper Campus HR Operations.

Request process

  1. If it is known that the staff member will be out for more than 3 days, FMLA should be requested. If the leave is unforeseen, then the manager may ask the staff member to apply for FMLA once the leave has lasted for more than 3 days. See the UW Human Resources website for information about FMLA Eligibility and Entitlements.
  2. The employee and their doctor fill out the appropriate Healthcare Provider Certification form (personal health condition, a family member’s serious health condition, parental leave etc.). For links to forms, see Leave Administration on the UW Human Resources web site.
  3. The completed form is faxed or mailed, by the employee or their doctor, to Upper Campus Human Resources for review.
  4. Once the employee’s eligibility for FMLA has been approved, the employee will receive an email and Workday will be updated.

For links to forms, see Departmental Leave Request Process on the UW Human Resources website.