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The Trend in

Autumn 2018 Edition

Trend Archive

Researchers installing solar panels

Grid by grid

Even six months after Hurricane Maria, thousands in rural Puerto Rico still lacked electricity. In partnership with local communities, UW researchers have worked to restore their power.

researcher in a lab

Turning research into impact

To apply their protein research to the pharmaceutical pipeline, the bioengineers behind A-Alpha Bio learned the language of business.

students delivering food

Meal matchup

A human centered design and engineering team is helping campus dining halls donate and deliver excess food to local homeless shelters.

Electrical Engineering celebrates new name

UW Electrical Engineering has changed its name to the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering to expand student opportunities and better reflect current teaching, research and service.

Restoring water systems after ISIS

Last year Heta Kosonen, ’18 Ph.D., spent six months in the Middle East helping to repair water infrastructure destroyed by ISIS in northern Iraq.

RoboFly takes off

The wireless insect-sized flying robot takes its first flaps.

Bio-inspired design and assembly

A new research center will explore the rules of how order emerges from the interaction of simple building blocks.

Advancing engineering across the state

UW Engineering faculty are elected to the Washington State Academy of Sciences.

2018 Engineering Lecture Series

Our autumn lecture series, “Engineering for Social Good: Assistive Robots, Environmental Equity and Disaster Relief,” features faculty who are using their engineering skills to accelerate positive impact.


The Trend in Engineering is UW Engineering’s alumni newsletter. Published twice a year, it features stories about students, faculty, research, alumni and more.




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