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The Trend in

Autumn 2022 Edition

Trend Archive

Four people with purple hard hats and groundbreaking shovels at the UW Interdisciplinary Engineering Building

IEB groundbreaking

This autumn, the UW broke ground on the new $102 million Interdisciplinary Engineering Building, supported by public and private investments. 

Man riding a bike

The power of pedaling

Civil and Environmental Engineering graduate student Dan McCabe is working to improve bicycle-powered emergency food response.

A group of students sitting in front of laptops

A pathway to engineering

One of the College’s Pathways for Inclusive Excellence, the Engineering Dean’s Scholars program is making it possible for more Washington students to become engineers.

Fusion power

Thanks to advancements by UW labs and spinoffs, fusion energy is taking off.

Sex, gender and engineering

Electrical & Computer Engineering Professor Denise Wilson’s new book and course on sexual harassment in engineering seek to disrupt a culture of silence.

Tracking microplastics in the ocean

Mechanical Engineering researchers are using fluid mechanics to better understand how the tiny pieces behave.

The perfect fit for a prosthetic leg

Bioengineering researchers and clinicians are creating a new type of prosthetic leg: one that automatically adjusts its fit throughout the day.

Meet Corey Clay

The College’s Office of Inclusive Excellence plans to work with engineering departments to create new DEI positions and expand DEI efforts. We welcome Corey Clay, the first to serve in one of these roles for Mechanical Engineering.

A new bachelor’s degree in ECE

The Electrical & Computer Engineering Department has launched a new undergraduate degree program to reflect cutting-edge research and provide greater flexibility for students.


The Trend in Engineering is UW Engineering’s alumni newsletter. Published twice a year, it features stories about students, faculty, research, alumni and more.




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