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Climate assessment

The College engaged an external consulting firm, Erolin Solutions, to assess climate and build a strategic and sustainable approach to achieve diversity, equity and inclusion, in order to help the College meet DEIS goals outlined through the Strategic Planning process.

Key goals of the collaboration

  • Gather baseline data
  • Provide actionable recommendations
  • Assist in developing a multi-year DEI strategic plan for the College

Current state across the College

The assessment saw overall good participation and engagement across the College community, which appears to share values, commitment and optimism towards DEI. By the time the assessment was taking place, departments and units were already leading efforts related to DEI within their groups. The College also appears to have a shared concept of what actionable themes and results should look like.

All of this led Erolin Solutions to conclude that the College has a significant opportunity for transformational change and to become a leader in the space of DEI.

Primary goals

Diverse representation

Equitable and inclusive structures, systems and practices

Equitable and inclusive culture

Top-level recommendations

Erolin’s recommendations are intended to build upon the College’s successes and ongoing efforts, address current challenges and opportunities, and establish a more coherent, sustainable and measurable approach to achieving DEI goals.

These recommendations are aimed at building organizational capacity and increasing focus

  1. Develop a DEI Strategic and Implementation Plan
  2. Establish and/or improve College DEI structures
  3. Review and improve College communications, accountability and reward systems
  4. Develop leadership capacity for facilitating DEI change
  5. Use the developmental approach to DEI to raise awareness, increase knowledge and build skills