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The major application is open.

This admission path is for transfer, current UW non-engineering students and Engineering Undeclared students with advanced credit. The deadline is April 5, 2025 (5:00 p.m. PT). 

Start your application

Running Start students

Running Start is a Washington state program that allows 11th and 12th-grade students to take college courses at Washington's 34 community and technical colleges. Students earn both high school and college credits for these courses.

This page contains information for Running Start students who plan to attend and/or are considering attending the UW College of Engineering.

Engineering students with Running Start credits can sometimes shorten their time at UW, but timelines and pathways vary by engineering major. Please note that we anticipate that the majority of students with Running Start credits will be on a four-year timeline to graduation

More information

For more information about Running Start, please visit the University of Washington's Running Start page.

Before choosing your application pathway

To learn more about your timeline and to assess your potential readiness for your engineering major(s) of interest, review the engineering major application and enrollment requirements and compare them to your completed Running Start coursework using the UW Equivalency Guide. These requirements are for the competitive application pathway and there is no guarantee of admission.

Application pathways

A) If you want to apply to be admitted to major of interest prior to starting at UW

You should follow this path if: You have completed the application requirements for your major(s) of interest by the deadlines below and you are on track to complete the enrollment requirements before your first quarter of enrollment at the UW.

While it’s rare for students to have completed all coursework to be major-ready by their first quarter at the UW, this is the only pathway where it may be possible to be on a two-year graduation plan.


Nov. 15
UW application deadline

You must select engineering undeclared or an engineering major (other than the Allen School’s computer engineering) as your first-choice major to be considered for Direct to College admission.

Admissions decisions announced

You'll learn about your admissions status to the UW and Direct to College.

April 5
Competitive application process deadline

Apply to your majors of interest via the competitive application process.

If admitted to a major via the competitive application process:

First year at UW

Autumn quarter
Start junior-level core
curriculum in major

Winter-spring quarters
Major Coursework

Second year at UW

Winter-spring quarters
Major Coursework

Spring quarter

If you are admitted to the UW and to DTC, and do not apply or are not admitted to an engineering major via the competitive application process, you will go through the placement request process and will likely be on a four-year graduation plan.

Note: If you are not admitted to an engineering major before starting at the UW, you can apply again through the competitive process during your first year at the UW, and if admitted, it may be possible to complete your degree in three years.

B) If you want to apply to the UW but will not meet requirements to apply to major

You should follow this path if: You are looking to complete enrollment requirements for the competitive application pathway and apply to your major(s) of interest during your first year at the UW.

Nov. 15
UW application deadline

You must select engineering undeclared or an engineering major (other than the Allen School’s computer engineering) as your first-choice major to be considered for Direct to College admission.

Admissions decisions announced

You'll learn about your admissions status to the UW and Direct to College.

May 1
Commitment deadline

Commit to attend the UW

If you are admitted to the College of Engineering as an Engineering Undeclared Student, you can expect to follow a similar path to the below:

First year at UW

Autumn-winter quarters
Finish completing application and enrollment requirements for majors of interest.

April 5, 2021
Apply to majors via the competitive application process.

Once admitted to a major via the competitive application process

Second year at UW

Autumn quarter
Start junior-level core curriculum in major

Winter-spring quarters
Major coursework

Third year @ UW

Winter-spring quarters
Major coursework

Spring quarter

Because the bioengineering and chemical engineering majors each start their seven-quarter curriculum in the spring quarter, applications are due January 15 as opposed to April 5.

Engineering major application deadlines

Start quarterApplication deadlinesMajors admitting for the start quarter
AutumnApril 5Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering
Bioresource Science & Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Human Centered Design & Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Materials Science & Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
SpringJanuary 15Bioengineering
Bioresource Science & Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Computer Engineering

Beyond your application: maximizing your UW experience

Many Running Start students choose to complete four years at the UW and find they have flexibility in their academic plan due to the number of credits they bring in. We encourage you to consider your post-graduation goals to help identify how to maximize your time.


  • Interested in working for an international company after graduation? Consider studying a language.
  • Interested in attending graduate school? Explore an extended research opportunity.
  • Other opportunities could include completing a degree outside of the College of Engineering, completing a minor, participating in an extended study abroad, or completing an internship.

Your engineering adviser will help you explore these options.