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Engineering Hiring Expo

The 2024 Engineering Hiring Expo is co-hosted by the UW's Career Center @ Engineering (CC@E) and the Engineering Student Council which represents over 40 student clubs and organizations.

2024 Engineering Hiring Expo

Tuesday, October 8
4:00 p.m.
HUB Ballroom

Students are not required to register but are encouraged to “join the event” two weeks before the event and
view the list of registered employers on Handshake.

View on Handshake

Employers? If interested in participating, please email

With attendance limited to 70 of the College's prominent employers, the Hiring Expo provides an exciting opportunity to network with employers, who are all looking to recruit UW students and alumni for full-time, part-time and internship opportunities.

During the event students will be able to meet and network with potential employers at company hosted booths.

Students are encouraged to “join the event” on Handshake so employers can pre-screen potential candidates. It is an opportunity to show companies your potential before you meet.

All majors are welcome. Questions? Email


To join the event on handshake, there are two required steps:

  1. Your Campus Profile on Handshake must be set to "Community" to register and participate fully in this event.
  2. Join the event on Handshake.


Space for the Engineering Hiring Expo is limited and priority is given to partners of the College. If interested in learning more about participating, please email

How does a Career Fair work?

We will be hosting workshops leading up to the career fair to help students shine and be prepared. Click on the workshop title to RSVP via Handshake