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Career Center @ Engineering

The CC@E provides students with a full suite of services, from resume feedback to professional development. We connect employers with future hires by coordinating job postings and more.

Appointments now available via in-person or Zoom

15- and 30-minute appointments (M-F from 8a-4p)
Ask us any questions about seeking positions, exploring careers or anything that comes to mind.
Schedule Appointment

Quick question for us in-person?
Stop by our walk-in hours (W from 1-3pm) in 301 Loew Hall during the academic quarter.

Need cover letter & resume feedback?
One of our experts is ready to help. E-mail and include the relevant attachments (as .pdfs). 

Student services provided by the CC@E

Our staff is happy to assist you throughout your entire job search process, from career exploration to resume writing to salary negotiation. Whether you are a first-year engineering student, graduating senior or graduate student, our office can help. It's never too early (or too late!) to begin your job search.

CLIMB (Connect, Leverage, Initiate, Maximize, Build)

The CLIMB model helps students navigate the complicated career journey.

CLIMB will provide you with the resources to self-assess your current level of career preparedness and set you up for success regardless of your year, application type, or career awareness.

The Engineering Internship Program

The CC@E also houses the Engineering Internship Program, allowing students and employers to connect for real-world experience prior to graduation. 


Handshake is a free tool for UW students and alumni to search though hundreds of internships, part- and full-time jobs, volunteer opportunities, and more. Learn more about Handshake access for students and alumni.

Log in to Handshake to see all jobs, narrow your search, or filter by location, job type, etc. Upload your resume, cover letter, and unofficial transcripts to apply directly for jobs. You'll find up-to-date information about employers and which ones are interviewing on campus.

Log in to Handshake - Students

Employer services provided by the CC@E

Posting internship & full time job postings

Post your internship & full-time openings on UW's online job search system, powered by Handshake.



Employers can help students supplement their education with challenging and relevant work experiences while gaining the opportunity to engage with students in a work setting, which can be helpful when making hiring decisions. Credit-based internships (ENGR 321/601) are also available.

More information

Career events

Career events for engineering and technical students are held throughout the year at UW. Career Fairs provide opportunities to meet students and broadly advertise your internship and full-time openings.

Events calendar

Other involvement opportunities

Looking to connect with our exceptional engineering students? We can help you:

  • Build an individualized recruiting plan, giving you access to top engineering talent
  • Connect with our students by hosting site visits and networking nights or through our student organizations
  • Participate in our multi-disciplinary Industry Capstone Program

Contact us

The CC@E's impact

You can read about our center's latest accomplishments in our 2017-2018 Annual Impact Report.

You may also see our recent "First Destination" employer summary of our 2017-2020 graduates by major.