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Leadership Academy

Leadership training encourages women and underrepresented students to seek out and achieve leadership roles throughout their careers while reducing the effects of social and cultural discouragement.

The Women's Leadership Academy (WLA) is a nine-week program offered in spring quarter. The program is intended to encourage leadership identity development, foster a supportive community, and provide resources for academic persistence. Students in the WLA will have access to professional women engineers who act as coaches, mentors and leaders.

The program enables participants to:

  • Experience first-hand learning opportunities they may not otherwise encounter in their academic pathway
  • Explore and understand issues and critical gaps that affect women leaders from gender schema, cultural stereotyping, imposter syndrome, to implicit bias and more
  • Learn about authentic leadership and theories, holistic approaches, strategies, tools and resources that will enhance confidence building while building their leadership potential
  • Gain professional development and practice professional skills that will enhance your resume and market your skills and attributes
  • Learn how to recognize and build promotional opportunities as well as highlight your innovation and entrepreneurship skills
  • Receive tools to ease the transition in climate and culture from academia to the workforce