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Study abroad information for advisers

The College of Engineering supports departments in promoting faculty-led study abroad programs, advising students on programmatic aspects, and establishing new international opportunities.

Advising students

Students are encouraged to work closely with their academic adviser to assess how study abroad fits into a four-year plan and begin petitioning individual courses to count toward degree requirements. Some departments are willing to maintain a list of previously approved courses, which can be a decisive factor in a student’s ability to commit to a study abroad program.

Programs will list available courses on the “Academics” tab of each brochure. If the information available online is insufficient for making a determination, please get in touch with the College (or adviser listed on the brochure) so we can connect with the institution abroad to learn more.

Encourage students to explore each brochure's “Finance” tab. Students may use their financial aid package on most programs. They will also be automatically considered for a scholarship through UW Study Abroad and will not be asked to commit to a program until they know they have received this resource.

Sarah Pauling, Assistant Director of Academic Affairs at the College, advises students on program options, applications, funding, and travel concerns. Students may arrange a meeting via email.

The UW Study Abroad office may also be a valuable referral, especially for students interested in non-engineering programs or those just beginning to explore their options.

Promoting programs

Because study abroad programming (and ideal timing) varies between academic degrees, messaging is more effective when personalized to different student populations. Partner with the College to create tailored promotions about the breadth of opportunities for your students via info sessions, drop-in advising, or email.

If you are interested in brainstorming promotion for specific departmental program, get in touch with us.

Some independent programs provide courses targeted towards US study abroad students (for example, Arcadia’s Biomedical Research in London program). Reach out to the College to partner with you on seeking programs like these that may suit your students or on seeking compatible programs currently in the UW listings.

Study Abroad Review Committee

Advisers should contact us if they are interested in serving on the Study Abroad Review Committee. Faculty-led study abroad programs can become competitive, and we are seeking a pool of advisers to read 4 to 5 hours of applications in early or mid-February.