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Dean's Office supply order and mail

Placing a supply order

If you need to order specific office supplies or other items that are not stocked in the copy room, you should email to request an order.

When sending a supply request email, the following information should be included:

  • Item name and description
  • Keeney’s item number or Amazon link if possible
  • Quantity desired
  • Budget number

The item will be added to the weekly supply order, and you will be notified when it arrives.

Sending & receiving mail

For sending campus mail, no postage is required. Please list the recipient and their box number on the envelope, and place into the “campus mail” box in the copy room.

For sending federal mail, a budget code or stamp is required. Please place stamped or barcoded mail in the “federal mail” box in the copy room.

If you are sending out large amounts of federal mail, it is suggested you use budget barcodes. To prepare bulk mailings to be sent via federal mail:

  • Apply a barcode label to the top piece of mail only.
  • Secure all bundles, both horizontally and vertically with rubber bands.

Please see UW's Budget Number Barcode Program webpage for more information and to order barcodes.

When ordering packages, please make sure to include your name, office number, and box number. You will be notified by the front desk if you have a package. Please pick up packages promptly to avoid clutter at the front desk and in the copy room. If you are expecting an important, time sensitive, or valuable delivery, please email to let us know about the expected delivery date.

Street address
College of Engineering Dean’s Office
371 Loew Hall
Box 352180
3920 E Stevens Way NE
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-2180