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Dean's Office processes for endowed professorships and chairs

See Overview of Appointment Process for Endowed Positions for a broader view of the process. See Departmental Processes to understand that side of the workflow.

HR manager's duties

Endowments housed in Dean's Office

  1. Receives package from Assistant to the Dean.
  2. Reviews package and forwards to AHR for approval.

Endowments housed in the department

Initial Appointment

When the Dean's Office receives endowment appointment packet, the HR Manager:

  1. Confirms that all of the required paperwork is included in the packet.
    • signed cover sheet
    • letter of recommendation from the Chair to the Dean
    • selection committee’s report and letter of recommendation
    • the candidate's CV
    • 1-2 paragraph biography from the candidate
    • copy of the endowment agreement
    • appropriate AHR endowment checklist – completed and signed
  2. Prepares Dean’s recommendation letter to the Provost.
  3. Prepares a letter (hardcopy) from the Dean to the faculty member, notifying them of their nomination (for all departments except for CSE). Sends copies to:
    • the home Department for their records
    • the CoE Financial Administrator
    • the Donor Relations Manager
  4. Gives the packet to the Assistant to the Dean, who reviews the packet and routes to the Dean for review and signatures.
  5. Sends electronic copies of the Dean’s letters to the Provost to:
    • the home Department for their records
    • the CoE Financial Administrator
    • the Donor Relations Manager
  6. Sends the original packet to AHR.

    ► The HR Assistant sends email to Donor Relations Manager, HR Administrator, Assistant to the Dean, and Department Administrator notifying them that the paperwork has been processed.
  7. Receives notification from Vice Provost for Academic Personnel that the endowment will be reviewed by the Board of Regents.
  8. Prints letter for faculty personnel file and forwards Provost's letter, via email, to Donor Relations Manager, HR Administrator, Assistant to the Dean, and Department Administrator notifying them of the status of the appointment.
  9. Once the appointment has been approved by the Board of Regents, HR Manager receives a copy of the notification from Provost to the faculty member.
  10. Prints letter for faculty personnel file and forwards letter, via email, to the department (Assistant to the Chair).


When the Dean's Office receives reappointment packet with checklist from the Department, the HR Manager:

  1. Confirms that all of the required paperwork is included in the packet.
    • signed cover sheet
    • review committee’s report with recommendation
    • candidate’s CV
    • 1-2 paragraph biography from the candidate highlighting his/her accomplishments during the prior endowment period
    • brief document from the candidate laying out how the endowment terms and evaluation criteria were met, including a forward-looking education and research statement
  2. Prepares Dean’s recommendation letter to the Provost.
  3. Gives the packet to the Assistant to the Dean, who reviews the packet and routes to the Dean for review and signatures.
  4. Once the packet is returned, sends an electronic copy of the Dean’s recommendation to the Department for their records.
  5. HR Assistant sends email to Donor Relations Manager, Assistant to the Dean, and Department Administrator notifying them that the paperwork has been processed.
  6. Sends the original packet to AHR.
  7. Receives notification from the Vice Provost that the appointment will be renewed. Reappointments are not reviewed by the Board of Regents.
  8. Forwards letter, via email, to Donor Relations Manager, HR Administrator, Assistant to the Dean, and Department Administrator notifying them of the status of the appointment.
  9. Prints a copy of the Vice Provost’s letter for the faculty personnel file.
  10. Prepares and sends letter of notification to nominee regarding approval of the renewal by the Provost.
  11. Sends electronic copies of the Dean’s notification letter to:
    • the home Department for their records
    • the CoE Financial Administrator
    • the Donor Relations Manager

Assistant to the Dean's duties

Endowments housed in the department

  1. Receives package from HR Manager and forwards to the Dean for review.
  2. After Dean’s review, forwards package back to HR Manager.

Endowments housed in Dean's Office

Initial Appointment

  1. Provides the selection committee members a letter outlining their responsibilities, a copy of the endowment agreement, and a copy of the Guidelines for Endowed Chairs and Professorships.
  2. Receives selection committee's report and letter of recommendation.
  3. Prepares Dean’s recommendation letter to Provost.
  4. Collates all materials for the appointment packet and submits to Dean for final approval.
    • signed cover sheet
    • letter of recommendation from the Chair to the Dean
    • selection committee’s report and letter of recommendation
    • the candidate's CV
    • 1-2 paragraph biography from the candidate
    • copy of the endowment agreement
    • appropriate AHR endowment checklist – completed and signed
  5. Prepares a letter (hardcopy) from the Dean to the faculty member, notifying them of their nomination (for all departments except for CSE). Sends copies to:
    • the home Department for their records
    • the CoE Financial Administrator
    • the Donor Relations Manager
  6. Sends electronic copies of the Dean’s letter to the Provost to:
    • the home Department for their records
    • the CoE Financial Administrator
    • the Donor Relations Manager
  7. Sends email to Donor Relations Manager, HR Manager, HR Administrator, and Department Administrator notifying them that the paperwork has been processed.
  8. Routes the original packet to HR Manager for review, who sends the original packet to AHR.


  1. Provides the review committee members a letter outlining their responsibilities, a copy of the endowment agreement, and a copy of:
  2. Receives selection committee’s report and letter of recommendation.
  3. Prepares Dean’s recommendation letter to Provost.
  4. Collates all materials for the appointment packet and submits to Dean for final approval.
    • signed cover sheet
    • review committee’s report and letter of recommendation
    • candidate’s CV
    • 1-2 paragraph biography from the candidate highlighting his/her accomplishments during the prior endowment period
    • brief document from the candidate laying out how the endowment terms and evaluation criteria were met, including a forward-looking education and research statement
  5. Sends an electronic copy of the Dean’s recommendation letter to the nominee's home department for their records.
  6. Prepares a letter to the faculty member on behalf of the Dean, notifying them of their nomination. (this is done for all departments except for CSE).
  7. Routes the original packet to HR Manager for review.
  8. Once the reappointment has been approved by the Vice Provost for Academic Personnel, the Assistant to the Dean prepares and sends letter of notification to nominee regarding approval reappointment.
  9. Sends electronic copies of the Dean’s notification letter to:
    • the home Department for their records
    • the CoE Financial Administrator
    • the Donor Relations Manager