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Endowed position appointment process

The process for endowed chair and professorship appointments and reappointments varies based on which unit the funds for the endowment are filtered through. If the endowment funds are filtered through the department, it is then "housed" in the department. If the funds for the endowment are filtered through the CoE Dean's Office, it is then housed in the Dean's Office.

Find detailed instructions for each process:

Overview of responsibilities

  • Communicates with faculty members and confirms their participation on selection committee (for initial appointments) or a review committee (for reappointments).
  • Reviews endowment packets for initial appointment and reappointments. Offers final approval before sending to Academic Human Resources (AHR).
Candidate Refers to the Guidelines for Holders of Endowed Chairs and Professorships and provides:
  • Updated CV.
  • Initial appointment: 1- to 2-paragraph biography highlighting qualifications for endowed position. Details on candidates' biographical statements are available on the AHR website.
  • Reappointment: 1-2 paragraph bio highlighting accomplishments during the prior endowment period and a brief document laying out how the endowment terms and evaluation criteria were met (include a forward-looking education and research statement).
Department Chair For endowments housed in department:
  • Appoints a selection committee (for initial appointments) or a review committee (for reappointments) to evaluate the candidates.
  • Recommends final candidate to the Dean.
For endowments housed in Dean’s office:
  • Provides list of nominees to the CoE Selection committee via Assistant to the Dean.
  • Provides recommendation for endowed position reappointments to the review committee, via Assistant to the Dean.
Assistant to the Chair
Department Administrator
For endowments housed in department:
  • Collect and provide documentation to selection committee (for initial appointments) or a review committee (for reappointments) to evaluate the candidates.
  • Track renewal schedule for departmental endowments on the Endowment Master Tracking List with Review Dates (limited UW NetIDs; updated 07/20/23)
  • Verify award amounts.
For endowments housed in Dean's office:
  • Route documentation provided by the candidates to the selection or review committee, via Assistant to the Dean.
Assistant to the Dean For endowments housed in department:
  • Receives packet from HR Manager and forwards to the Dean for review.
For endowments housed in Dean's office:
HR Manager For endowments housed in department:
  • Receives packet from department, prepares appropriate letters, and forwards to the Dean for review via the Assistant to the Dean.
  • Makes copies of the paperwork for endowment files.
  • Routes notifications from the Provost to the departments, Assistant to the Dean, and Donor Relations Manager.
For endowments housed in Dean's office:
  • Reviews endowment appointment packet and routes to AHR.
  • Routes notifications from the Provost to the departments, Assistant to the Dean, and Donor Relations Manager.

Tracking appointment terms

Appointment term dates are tracked by the Dean’s Office in the following files:

Assistants to the chairs or Department Administrators are also expected to track appointment terms for endowments housed in their departments.


Checklists and guidelines