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Recruitment, hiring, & reappointments

Recruitment and hiring

A 6-step procedure for hiring tenure-line and research faculty with links to associated forms.

UW Human Resources information on recruiting academic personnel to the University of Washington, from the initial planning stages through new employee onboarding. For details, please explore the recruitment links on the right side of the page.

A resource on the UW Diversity Web site to help search committees and department chairs attract top scholars.

CoE procedures and documentation requirements for new appointments.

Household moves

Household moves policy

Moving expenses policy



Reappointment of Adjunct and Affiliate Faculty

Determining a faculty member's 2nd & 6th Years

Reappointment of research faculty above the assistant level

Reappointment of teaching track professors

Visiting and International Scholars

See Visiting Appointments on the Academic Titles and Ranks page

Additional resources