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Reappointment of teaching track professors

Note: This policy page DOES NOT address the reappointment of tenure eligible professors.


Teaching professors, associate teaching professors, and assistant teaching professors with appointed to terms of one to ten years, depending on the track. There is no limit on the number of reappointments that may be made to these titles. The normal appointment term for teaching and associate teaching professors should be at a minimum of three years. Assistant teaching professor terms may not exceed five years.

Assistant teaching professors or associate teaching professors may be considered for promotion appointment to, an associate teaching professor or teaching professor, respectively. Faculty will go through the promotion process. More can be found here.

Reappointment notifications should be made, in writing, at least six months before the end of the current appointment. A renewal decision is not required where the initial appointment is for one year or less, and identified as not eligible for renewal (UW Faculty Code Section 24-41 C.4).

Reappointments require a vote of faculty members who are superior in rank and concurrence from the Dean. In order to meet the December 30 deadline, the Dean's office requests that all reappointment documentation be received no later than December 15 of the last year of appointment.

Teaching track professors are not eligible for tenure but are emeritus eligible.

Clarifying appointment terms

TitleRun Report R0555: Appointments Eligible for ReappointmentReappointment TermNotification Deadline
Teaching ProfessorWinter/Annual and Winter/Multi-Year for January1-10 years

Units must notify appointees of reappointment decisions by:

  • Dec 15: 9-month service period
  • Dec 31: 12-month service period

Exception: Those in their first annual appointment have a shorter notification period:

  • Mar 15: 9-month service period
  • Mar 31: 12-month service period
Assistant Teaching ProfessorWinter/Annual and Winter/Multi-Year for January1-5 years

Associate Teaching Professor


Spring/Annual for March


1-7 years


Teaching Professor

  • Appointment length: 1-10 years; the normal appointment period shall be for a minimum of 3 years (UW Faculty Code Section 24-41 C.3).
  • Key considerations: This rank requires outstanding, mature scholarship as evidenced by accomplishments in teaching. Further, it requires a record of excellence in instruction, which may be demonstrated by exemplary success in curricular design and implementation, student mentoring, and service and leadership to the department, school/college, university, and field (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A.3 and B.3).
  • Reappointment eligible: Yes
  • Reappointment term: 1-10 years
  • Reappointment considerations: No limit on number of reappointments
  • Tenure status: N/A
  • Emeritus eligible: Yes

Associate Teaching Professor

  • Appointment length: 1-7 years; the normal appointment period shall be for a minimum of 3 years (UW Faculty Code Section 24-41 C.2)
  • Key considerations: This rank requires a record of substantial success in teaching; further, it requires extensive training, competence, and experience in the discipline (UW Faculty Code Section 24-34 A.2 and B.3). “Scholarship is an obligation of all faculty members” (UW Faculty Code Section 24-32 A).
  • Reappointment eligible: Yes
  • Reappointment term: 1-7 years
  • Reappointment considerations: No limit on number of reappointments
  • Tenure status: N/A
  • Emeritus eligible: Yes

Assistant Teaching Professor

Faculty voting process

The Faculty Vote processes vary by department; however, certain rules must be observed during the vote. These rules are explained on the Academic Human Resources web page on voting procedures. Departments are responsible for determining which faculty are eligible to vote on a given case based on leave status, FTE, and rank.

Reappointment documentation

Reappointment documentation is described on the Academic Human Resources Web site. Note that the College of Engineering requires only the letter from the chair and report from the secondary department (if applicable). All other materials should be submitted if available and maintained at the unit level.

The following materials may be useful to faculty members when considering reappointment of teaching track Professors:

  • An up-to-date Curriculum Vitae;
  • Yearly activity report (if available, and only if it includes information not provided on the Curriculum Vitae);
  • Publication list;
  • Evidence of teaching effectiveness;
  • Student evaluations;
  • Peer evaluations;
  • Copies of published material;
  • Report from secondary unit

Notification deadline

Notifications of appointment are commitments that must be honored and cannot be rescinded except as provided for by policy. Notifications of non-reappointment must be processed as terminations by the unit administrator and the end of the academic appointment in Workday.

For faculty in their first appointment:
March 15: 9-month service period | March 31: 12-month service period

For faculty in their second reappointment and beyond:
December 15: 9-month service period | December 31: 12-month service period

Salary adjustments

Professorial faculty – including those on the teaching and research tracks – can receive a salary increase through merit, promotion, unit adjustment, or retention as provided for in Faculty Code 24-70 B and Executive Order 64. While an increase outside of these mechanisms is possible, it would be rare and require exceptional approval by the Office of Academic Personnel. The reappointment decision – in and of itself - is not a generally-recognized justification for a salary increase.