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Procedure for initiating a new faculty search

This process is for all national searches, regardless of rank or title.

  1. The unit submits its hiring request to the Dean’s Office. Dean’s Office meets with units to discuss hiring.
  2. Dean’s Office submits hiring plan to Provost for approval.
  3. If the unit receives approval to hire, a search committee should be created by Chair. Agreement by the faculty on hiring goals at the beginning of the search improves the likelihood of a successful search.
  4. The search committee reviews policies and drafts a proposed advertisement.
  5. The Assistant to the Chair reviews the ad language and confirms that ad meets the requirements
  6. ATC completes the submits the advertisement in Interfolio.
  7. HR Manager and the Director of HR review and approve ad in Interfolio.
  8. Ad routes to ISO and AHR for review and approval.
  9. When approved, the unit will receive a notification and can start advertising the position.

Important: You may choose to post the ad to the Chronicle of Higher Education's employment website in lieu of running the ad in a national print publication. The ad must appear on the Chronicle's website for at least 30 days. If the ad was electronic, maintain a copy of your order confirmation received from the Chronicle which displays the ad type and web start date, and a copy of the ad text as it appears on the Chronicle's website. If the ad was print, maintain a copy of the page on which the ad appeared. You may also consider using the College of Engineering Faculty Search Tool to administer the search process. Contact the CoE HR manager for details.