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Reappointment of Adjunct and Affiliate Faculty


All active Adjunct and Affiliate members of the faculty have annual appointments and must be considered for reappointment each year by a vote of the faculty in the department and concurrence of the Dean. This process takes place in November and December. Reappointment documentation is due to Academic Human Resources (via the Dean's office) late Winter/early Spring Quarter. Renewal decisions should be communicated to your faculty by December 15th.

Gathering a list of active Adjunct and Affiliate faculty members

The R0555 report in Workday should pull up your Affiliate and Adjunct faculty.

Many departments maintain a "shadow database" or list of all active Adjunct and Affiliate faculty members within the department. This list should be compared to data within Workday to ensure that all Adjunct and Affiliate faculty members are considered for reappointment.

Please cross check all lists with the list that is provided by AHR in mid-November (forwarded by the Dean’s Office HR Team) as part of the centrally administered renewal process.

Contacting Adjunct / Affiliate "Sponsors"

In many cases, regular or research faculty members serve as "sponsors" for Adjunct and Affiliate faculty members, and may have interest in the reappointment of a particular individual. Whenever possible, these sponsors should be contacted for their disposition with regard to the Adjunct/Affiliate member, and asked to provide a statement supporting reappointment, or suggesting non-reappointment.

Faculty voting process

The Faculty Vote processes vary by department; however, certain rules must be observed during the vote. These rules are explained on the Academic Human Resources web page on voting procedures. Departments are responsible for determining which faculty are eligible to vote on a given case based on leave status, FTE, and rank.

The following materials may be useful to faculty members when considering reappointment of Adjunct or Affiliate faculty members:

  • An updated Curriculum Vitae,
  • Yearly activity report (if available, and only if it includes information not provided on the Curriculum Vitae), and
  • Disposition statement of sponsoring faculty member

Documentation of the faculty vote

The decision of the voting faculty to discontinue or reappoint Adjunct or Affiliate members may be documented in a single memo which lists the faculty vote, each individual and his/her title, and the reappointment decision. A Dean's concurrence line should also be included on the document. This memo is the only piece of documentation required by the Dean's office; however, updated CV's or statements of support may be included as well.


The deadlines for the College of Engineering to communicate reappoint decision to AHR varies from year to year. Generally, reappointment decisions for adjuncts and affiliates are due in late Winter/early Spring Quarter. Renewal decisions should be communicated to the faculty in a timely manner.

When a new adjunct or affiliate faculty is hired after the departmental voting and notification for current appointments has been completed, the voting faculty must vote to appointment for the current academic year and reappoint for the following year.