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Content blocks

Content blocks address a variety of user interface needs, including organizing and highlighting content, displaying media, and adding call to action.


An accordion hides or reveals additional content when clicked on.

Blockquote block

The blockquote block is used to highlight quotation of a large section of text.

Call-out block

The call-out block is used for "sidebar" content, "call-to-action", or a note or an announcement.


Cards provide a flexible way of displaying a group of content.


Carousels cycle through slides of images and text.

Contact us block

The contact us block is placed in the sidebar for displaying contact information.

Facts and stats block

The facts and stats block is used to highlight snippets of important facts and statistics.

Image overlay block

The image overlay block is used to highlight a single item such as a story or research.


Lists organize information into sections that are easy to scan.

Newsletter signup block

The newsletter signup block provides an easy way for users to sign up to a newsletter.

Profile block

The profile block is used to highlight an individual and a related story or page.

Related content block

The related content block is used to highlight related content such as related news/stories and related research.

Side-by-side block

The Side-by-side block is used to highlight a single item such as a story, an initiative or an announcement.


Table organizes information into columns and rows.


A responsive and accessible way to display timeline information.


Video blocks allow one to embed YouTube videos.