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The College of Engineering Online Communications team is responsible for managing Drupal websites plus other digital tools used by web managers across the COE.

Top resources Need help? About our theme

Top resources


    Requesting Drupal training

    All users who need access to edit a website in the COE Drupal structure must complete a brief training on how-tos and best practices.

  • The CoE Drupal manual

    Step-by-step instructions for how to create and edit popular content types.


    Design System

    A library of code snippets that help Drupal users create interfaces that are consistent with our style guide, design language, and best practices.


    Accessibility and usability best practices


    Quick tips and resources on making your web content more accessible.


    Sharepoint PDF

    Guidelines on making your documents more accessible.

Photo of a husky pressing its paw to a person's hand

Need help?

If you need help with involved updates or have any questions, the online communications team is happy to assist:

About our theme

The Computing Services development team created a custom theme based on the UW Boundless design and is currently in the process of launching our Drupal 10 theme. The College has a slightly different theme from the departments.

Our themes use the Bootstrap framework for responsive, mobile-friendly web pages and page layout based on a grid system. Some elements, particularly typography, are overwritten by the CoE theme and styles. Learn how to use our Bootstrap and CoE Boundless styles.