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Event invitations and programs, design templates for fact sheets and one-pagers, PowerPoint templates, letterhead and web templates.

Communication templates



    Sharepoint PowerPoint

    Branded powerpoint templates, including options for each department



    Sharepoint Word

    Letterhead with logos for each department and space to personalize address and phone number


    Instagram stories template


    Slides for text and image-based instagram stories

Website templates


    Drupal news item with headshots

    Sharepoint Photoshop

    Templates for creating Drupal news item thumbnails that feature one to two headshots.


    Faculty headshots

    Sharepoint Photoshop

    Template for sizing and positioning faculty headshots for Faculty Finder.

College of engineering builiding exterior next to a fountain

Event templates



    Sharepoint Multiple formats

    COE and departmental branded invitations.
    Download a Word, InDesign or PDF version to edit.
    If you are using the InDesign file, be sure to download the font and links file.


    To add the invite to your email:
    After editing your invitation, save as a PNG file to insert as an "image" into your email. Resize as needed. To include the invite in your email as an attachment, edit and save as a PDF, then attach the file your email.



    Sharepoint Multiple formats

    COE branded envelopes.
    Download the InDesign or PDF version to edit.
    Note: If you are using the InDesign file, be sure to download the font and links file.


    Nametags and Tentcards


    COE and departmental branded nametags.
    Download the Word template of the Avery adhesive (5395) and Avery insert (74461) styles.


    Event programs

    Sharepoint Multiple formats

    COE branded event programs.
    Single page and booklet style event programs (or agendas). Download the InDesign or PDF version to edit.
    Note: If you are using the InDesign file, be sure to download the font and links file.



    Sharepoint Multiple formats

    COE branded podium and directional signange.
    Download the InDesign or PDF version to edit.
    Note: If you are using the InDesign file, be sure to download the font and links file.

College of engineering builiding exterior and a statue
